Chapter 382 Dialogue
"Golden Xingyao, has it finally started?"

At this time, inside the authority mothership, Qiao Yu looked at the authority mothership with a slightly throbbing expression.Qiao Yu practiced hard in the borderlands to improve his strength, in order to be able to kill the Starry Sky Demon City and eliminate the legion soldiers when the golden star shines in the future.

But now, Jin Xingyao came without warning.

"Those big forces seem to be in some abnormal situation now." Qiao Yu can perceive through the functions of all aspects of authority, at this time, on the side of the long river of time and space, the floating island built by the Blue Star Clan— —On Blue Star Island.The four major forces, plus many disaster fighters are gathered here at this moment.

After all, no single force would be able to deal with the legion fighters in the Starry Sky Demon City this time.

"To deal with the legionary soldiers this time, relying on the border alone is not enough. Many forces here must also be recruited. Only in this way can we deal with the legionary soldiers." While thinking, Qiao Yu had already made a decision.

at this time.

The floating island of the Blue Star Clan, on the Blue Star Island.

In a rather spacious conference room.

The four major forces plus the disaster fighters, and the five forces, many people gathered together at this time.

They can vividly remember what happened before.

Originally planned to take advantage of the Golden Star to attack the Starry Sky Demon City.But now it seems that it is mostly impossible.After all, the authority of the Blue Star Clan has been robbed, and even all the members of the Blue Star Clan have been forcibly collected by the mission world.

"What should I do? Everyone." A green-skinned orc with a height of ten meters sat cross-legged and looked at everyone.

"This time the authority of the Blue Star Clan has been seized, this is an unprecedented thing, since the authority of the Blue Star Clan has already been seized. The first thing we need to find out is who took this authority away." A floating in midair, The abyss god of death, filled with red blood mist, spoke softly.

"A Legionnaire, or someone else? This is the core of the problem."

"If it's a legion, then needless to say, we don't have to fight anymore. Without the help of authorization, we simply can't go deep into the Starry Sky Demon City."

"If it's not a legion soldier, then who occupies the authority there, and will this person who occupies the authority continue to cooperate with us?"

"Indeed, the first thing we need to understand is whether this guy with high authority is an enemy or a friend."

At this time, many representatives of the five major forces started discussing here.


When everyone was discussing enthusiastically, a buzzing sound bloomed leisurely.

Everyone looked at the seat of the Blue Star Race.

After a while, Qiao Yu's figure appeared.

"Hello, everyone." Qiao Yu said lightly.

As soon as Qiao Yu opened his mouth, more than 30 people in the room immediately gathered their eyes, and every strong person stared at Qiao Yu extremely.

Needless to say, the guy who was placed at the location of the Blue Star Clan must be the terrifying existence who robbed the Blue Star Clan of their authority.

It's horrific that this guy has done what no Legionnaire can do.

When Qiao Yu's projection was fully formed.

"You are, Qiao Yu?" Suddenly, a voice said in horror.

Qiao Yu looked sideways, and the one who made the sound of surprise was an SS-level strongman among the disaster fighters.

And this SS-level powerhouse is the "real blood demon" who once fought Qiao Yu.

"It's Qiao Yu."

"It's really Qiao Yu."

"Didn't it mean that Qiao Yu fell? How did he come back to life?"

Among the disaster fighters, many people knew Qiao Yu.Although Qiao Yu disappeared for a long time, in fact, not too long has passed in this calamity castle.

Therefore, they still have a deep impression on Qiao Yu. After all, this sweet talk is the existence of the soldiers of the legion who can be tough.

Although Qiao Yu disappeared for a while, the legend about Qiao Yu did not disappear.

"Joe Yu?"

"This guy is Qiao Yu who was very famous some time ago?"

At this time, many people from the four major forces including the abyss also started discussing in low voices. Of course, they had heard of Qiao Yu's reputation.

At this moment, Qiao Yu appeared here, and this guy was a former disaster fighter, and he also had a deep hatred with the legion fighters.In this way, it can't help but make people think about it.

"Okay." Qiao Yu's voice sounded crisply, and suddenly many people stopped talking.

"As you can see, I am Qiao Yu. And, as you all should know, just now, I obtained the authority of the Blue Star family. And this authority is a level nine authority. It can be said that this authority is the authority of the world. The highest authority. Even higher than the authority of the legionnaire."

"I also know that the golden star has arrived this time, and we, needless to say, are bound to have a bloody battle with that legionnaire."

"I think you all understand the grievances and grievances between me and that legion soldier."

"So, you don't have to worry, we all belong to the same camp, and our common enemy is the legionnaire."

"Everyone, don't worry, I have checked all the passages connecting the various worlds using the authority, and everything that should be prepared is ready. At that time, I will fully use the authority to support you, and jointly attack the starry sky magic city of the legion .”

Qiao Yu's narration and promise immediately made everyone present feel relieved.

"So, we are still proceeding according to the previous plan, but our partner has changed from the Blue Star Clan to His Excellency Qiao Yu?" At this time, a night elf asked softly.

"Of course, and besides that, I'm not as timid and stingy as that Blue Star warrior."

"In addition to those transmission channels, I will also carry out all-round authority suppression."

"Use the authority I have to consume the authority of that legion soldier."

When everyone heard this, they immediately laughed.

Using one's own authority to consume the other party's authority, if those Blue Stars were to operate it, they would definitely not do this.After all, they still need to constantly use authority to guard their authority mothership and prevent those octopuses from attacking.

But for Qiao Yu, there is no need for it at all. The supreme level octopus is terrifying, but as long as Qiao Yu is strong enough, it is not a problem to kill the black octopus by himself. It is also possible to block the exit and kill all the cosmic octopuses. Even Qiao Yu can spend a certain amount of time freeing the authority mothership from the entanglement of the cosmic wisteria.

The problem of authority mothership is a fatal problem for the Blue Star Clan, but for Qiao Yu, there is no problem at all.

That's why Qiao Yu was willing to use his authority to confront that legionary soldier.

"If Your Excellency does this, I'm afraid those legionnaires will suffer even more." The tall orc laughed.

"Indeed, for the Blue Star Clan, we have repeatedly asked them to take out their authority to cancel the legion soldiers. The Blue Star Clan is unwilling, but now, His Excellency Qiao Yu is willing to sincerely give out all these permissions. He is really a hero. .” Said the Zerg creature with ring-shaped wings.

"Okay." Qiao Yu waved his hand. "The general plan is like this. I also hope that everyone will prepare well and keep in touch with me. Once the preparation is completed, you can notify me."

"rest assured."

"no problem."


The participants of many meetings immediately said so.

Although, the Blue Star Clan fell.However, Qiao Yu completely replaced the vacancy of the Blue Star Clan by himself.

The wheels of war slowly began to roll.

(End of this chapter)

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