Calamity Frontier

Chapter 385 Expand

Chapter 385 Expand
"Sure enough." Hearing Lie's words, Qiao Yu's heart throbbed.

In the frontier land, the environment is harsh, there are many wild beasts, and at the same time, various disasters abound.

But here, the explosive rate of all kinds of equipment is extremely high, there are many kinds of natural materials and treasures, and even the power of the holy source, the power of nature is extremely high here.

Under the cruel environment and pressure, many practitioners died, but those who survived could easily reach A-level, AA-level or even S-level through these external resources.

The most impressive thing is that there are a lot of Supremes in the Borderlands.

The tragic environment is not very difficult in front of the S-rank powerhouse.Therefore, with abundant resources, those S-level powerhouses can quickly grow into SSS-level, and then hit the Supreme.

It can even be said that in the borderlands, those supreme-level masters have a far better appearance rate than the calamity world, and are even stronger.

However, these supreme beings pose no threat to the calamity world, because they cannot enter the calamity world under the confinement of the class.

But now, something seems different.

Looking at Xue Yu and Qiao Yu who were looking forward to it, Lie didn't hide any more and began to tell the story slowly.

"The three-tier fixed model keeps the other classes from interfering with each other. Even if you have authority levels, you can't change this situation."

"But, Qiao Yu, you are different."

"I'm different." Qiao Yu's expression froze slightly.

Qiao Yu himself is different. Of course, Qiao Yu knows that he is very different from others in terms of the six-color Rubik's Cube and the Gate of Annihilation.

"Then why am I different from others?" Qiao Yu asked softly.I am different from others, which Qiao Yu also wants to know very much.

"I think you will know the answer soon. The answer you find yourself is far more real than what I told you."

Listening to Lie's words, Qiao Yu couldn't help thinking.

"Okay." After some contemplation, Qiao Yu raised his head to look at Lie. "What do I need to do?"

"Classes are not 100% imprisoned. You have to know that there are gaps between classes."

"Others can't go through that gap, but you, Qiao Yu, can go through that gap."

"Inside the authority mothership, there is a door, an invisible door. You can search carefully in the entire mothership, I believe you can find it."

"Through that door, you can enter the world behind the secret door."

"There maybe you can find your true self."

"But you have to be careful not to get lost there."

"Enter there, find the gap, and enter the controlling class."

"Use your authority to change some things. Only a small change is needed to change the rules that make Supreme unable to enter the calamity world."

"In addition, you must also remember. At the control level, don't believe any words."

"There is only endless confusion and deception. You must remember what I said."

"Endless confusion and deception? Isn't that the essence of this world?" Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

"I just need to go back to the mothership, find the secret door, go in, find the area leading to the control layer, and then change the rules of class imprisonment here, will that be enough?"

"Yes, that's the case, but you have to know that the reality is far more difficult than the theory, and it's much more difficult to see."

"Okay!" Qiao Yu nodded slightly.I see.

"Blood feather." Lie looked at Xue Yu.


As for your task, it is relatively simple. You also know many supreme level masters, so tell them that there is a passage to enter the disaster world.

"As long as anyone who can be contacted knows it. Just say, it's my 'Lie' call to everyone. I believe those guys will be willing to come."

"En." Xue Yu nodded slightly. "I'll let you know."

"There are still some things that I need to talk to Qiao Yu alone." Lie said softly.

"The junior will leave first." Xue Yu left quickly with great interest.

After Xue Yu left, Lie lightly touched the air, and then a milky white light curtain bloomed.

When the milky white light curtain bloomed, Qiao Yu felt that the world seemed to be extraordinary.

"This is my personal world. At the same time, this is also the most important gain from my time in the secret room. In my field of vision, everything is under my control."

"It's amazing." Qiao Yu exclaimed.

"But more importantly, in my personal world, no one can spy on what you and I are talking about."

"Now, your strength is also extremely terrifying and powerful. More importantly, your advanced life form body can perfectly absorb the crystal nucleus of creatures like the cosmic octopus. This makes your physical body even more terrifying And terrifying, the carrying capacity is simply amazingly powerful."

The body of an advanced life form and the terrifying body obtained by absorbing enough cosmic crystal nuclei.This is what Qiao Yu is most proud of.

"Your physical body's ability to withstand is already terrible. Almost, it should be able to withstand the absorption of the six-color Rubik's Cube."

"The absorption of the six-color Rubik's Cube." Hearing this, Qiao Yu laughed.

The Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube has many powerful and terrifying functions. At the same time, as far as Qiao Yu knows, the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube has the property of being absorbed.

It's a pity that although Qiao Yu can control the six-color Rubik's Cube and can also manipulate the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube to form a barrier of confinement, Qiao Yu just can't extract the special energy in the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube for his own use.

Putting two fingers together to form a sword, a ray of crystal light bloomed.

"This is my understanding of the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube, new mastery and many methods and techniques of absorption and refining, condensed into a touch of 'light of consonance'. I will pass on all of these to you."

"Thank you senior."

"This is what you deserve."

After the words fell, Lie tapped lightly with his two fingers, and in an instant, endless information swarmed in like a sea of ​​smoke.

Under the traction of a lot of information, Qiao Yu gradually and quickly comprehended it, then completely absorbed it, and finally integrated it all.

A large amount of information bloomed, allowing Qiao Yu to absorb all of these into his knowledge system.The whole process was very fast, but Qiao Yu was able to completely absorb and accept it.

After an unknown amount of time, Qiao Yu opened his eyes leisurely.

Sitting up, Qiao Yu found that he was still in the small mountain stream of Blood Cliff.And Lie has disappeared.

"Six-color Rubik's Cube." With a flip of his hand, Qiao Yu took out a Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube.

"This method of running and absorbing is really extremely difficult. Although the method taught by the senior can be directly absorbed by the body without using other props or some kind of heavy treasure, it is simply amazing for the body's endurance. pointing."

"Fortunately, my physical resistance. I can slowly absorb this six-color Rubik's Cube."

"However, with the help of authority, the effect of absorption will be much better than that of simple direct absorption. It is better to return to the authority mothership to absorb."

(End of this chapter)

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