Calamity Frontier

Chapter 386 Mobilization

Chapter 386 Mobilization
When Qiao Yu returned to the mothership here and had not started to practice.

As Qiao Yu's authorized contact person, Hailuoer, the SSS-level powerhouse among the human race, sent a message to Qiao Yu.

"Qiao Yu, everything is ready, the war is about to begin."

The war is coming much faster than Qiao Yu imagined.

At the same time, the human races in the calamity world and the human races on the border also got in touch with the human races within the border.

Through the joint cooperation of the two parties, a total of twelve teleportation arrays were opened from the border lands, leading to the abyss, the ladder, the brood and the sacred tree.

Those border people teleported from the border lands into the disaster world, and then entered the "Blue Star Island" of the disaster world from various regions.It's just that the border fighters who can teleport into the calamity world are all SSS level and below, and those masters of the supreme level cannot enter.

At this moment, Blue Star Island has become a huge fortress.In other words, Blue Star Island has completely become a war fortress.

Although the Blue Star Floating Island is just a floating island, its area is not too large, but this is not important.

On the Blue Star Island, there are fifty or sixty teleportation arrays. After these teleportation arrays, they are connected to various worlds. These worlds are controlled by the four major forces.A large number of all kinds of creatures below S rank, from F rank to AA rank, gather here in large numbers.Under the rule of the four major forces, those low-level intelligent creatures will frantically attack the enemy with the order of the ruler.

Human sea tactics will be the main theme of this war.

At the same time, behind these worlds, there is also a frontier land. However, compared to the human sea tactics provided by the four major forces, the frontier fighters who can come here are those S, SS, and SSS-level existences.These people are all elite-level existences with extremely strong strength.

At this time, Blue Star floated on the island.

Qiao Yu's projection sits at the top. Although Qiao Yu is only S-level, Qiao Yu has special qualifications as a nine-level authority controller, so even the four major forces cannot have any influence on Qiao Yu. He didn't even dare to go against Qiao Yu's will.

The participants of many great forces below are discussing intensely and fieryly at this moment.

"The floating island of the soldiers of this legion has a lot of satellite islands. There are hundreds of satellite islands in total, and they have accumulated nine layers of defense. If we attack from the outer layer layer by layer, I don't know how much time it will take. I'm afraid even if we In the end, it will cause heavy damage. I suggest that we directly transmit the authorization, we will directly enter the interior, and cause extra damage to the legion soldiers. This will make the opponent crumble."

"Put it in directly? What's the difference between this and death?"

"Hmph, if you don't hurry up, no one will force you in. Put it in all directions, so that you can effectively attack or even disrupt the enemy."

"Advancing layer by layer is stable and rhythmic, and only when we fight steadily can we eliminate the legion fighters."

"I think..."


"You're talking about farting..."

"You are the fucking fart, and my plan is the most perfect..."

"The perfect mother."


A discussion with divergent opinions soon turned into a war of words between each other.

In fact, if everyone's discussion does not have a core tactic, it will always be an endless waste of words.


When everyone was arguing, Qiao Yu spoke leisurely.Although the voice was not very loud, everyone quickly shut up.

Many people looked at Qiao Yu.

As the core of the whole plan, no one dared to ignore Qiao Yu.

"The soldiers of the legion are strong, and the defense layer of the nine-fold floating island. It is not so easy to take down."

"Attacking from the outside is obviously too strenuous, but if you shoot directly from the inside, you will be surrounded by the opponent instead, which is tantamount to death."

"This attack plan is based on the outer attack, supplemented by the internal teleportation sneak attack. The irregular teleportation will make the legion soldiers tired of defense. It can also help the main attacking team reduce the pressure."

"The corresponding teleportation authority, I will give you later. As for how to operate, it depends on your own means and abilities."

Qiao Yu's remarks immediately set the tone for the entire war plan.

Focus on siege, supplemented by internal teleportation and sneak attacks.

For such a large-scale battle, Qiao Yuzai has a lot of command experience.

But now, even if Qiao Yu has full powers, will those various forces obey Qiao Yu's command honestly?
Obviously not.

Therefore, there is no need for Qiao Yu to command these various forces in a thankless manner.

Qiao Yu only needs to do well what he has to do and improve his strength in all aspects.

As Qiao Yu set the tone, everyone quickly started to plan for each other's division of labor.

The orcs in the ladder, although their movement speed is slow, their defense is extremely strong, and their attack speed is not weak at the same time.Obviously, this is the most forward defensive team, and they have the most advantage.

The night elves in the sacred tree.They have excellent long-range offensive capabilities, but also have strong mobility. They are the most long-range attackers, and they are duty-bound.

The Zerg in the brood has fast speed, high attack and strong defense.More importantly, they strictly enforce the orders of the mother, strictly obey orders and prohibitions.Therefore, they are clearly the most efficient for efficient teleport placement.

As for the various creatures in the abyss, they have all kinds of incredible means, allowing them to play freely in the battlefield, and they can have many unexpected performances.

As for the calamity warriors and the frontier warriors, like the abyss warriors, they move freely on the battlefield.

As everyone discussed, soon a battle and the pattern and pattern have been set.

With many orders, many portals gradually opened.

At the same time, after the portal, a large number of creatures entered the blue star floating island.At the same time, a trestle bridge was erected out of thin air.This trestle, the teleportation location, is Starry Sky Demon City.

The Blue Star Floating Island is a permission floating island established by the Blue Star Clan with the ninth-level authority.This place is far higher than the authority of the Starry Sky Demon Capital on the side of the legion fighters with level [-] authority.

Therefore, the Legionnaires have no way to directly attack the Blue Star Clan, and the Blue Star Clan has successfully proved their stupidity to the world with a pig-like development method.

However, all that is about to change now.

With the gathering of many creatures here on Blue Star Island.In the distance, the starry sky demon capital of legionary soldiers was not idle there either.

A large number of legionnaires are transferred from the inner world of each floating island.They guard the floating island, the outermost layer, that is, every corner of the ninth layer of the outer domain floating island, resisting the incoming invaders.

With the mobilization of the two sides for war, a scorching, violent, cold, and killing atmosphere was gradually born in the mobilization of the two sides.

(End of this chapter)

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