Calamity Frontier

Chapter 392 Teleportation

Chapter 392 Teleportation

Leading the way with the black octopus, Qiao Yu soon came to the edge of the fish sac bubble world.

Qiao Yu's plan is actually very simple.

There is no doubt about the strength of the black octopus. Back then, when he used one pair to deal with the six Blue Star Clan supreme beings, he was crushed directly without any injuries. His strength was terrifying. There is no doubt about it.

Therefore, Qiao Yu hoped to put the black octopus into the fish sac bubble world, so that the two sides could fight to the death.

Of course, during the battle, Qiao Yu would secretly seal the teleportation array.

Once the teleportation array is found to be sealed, those people will definitely open those hidden teleportation arrays, and Qiao Yu will take advantage of the chaos and seal the teleportation array again during the battle.

Qiao Yu didn't know how many teleportation arrays the soldiers of the legion had, but Qiao Yu could seal the teleportation arrays one after another.

Once this place is completely sealed.That black octopus can catch turtles in this urn.The unscrupulous and crazy attack slaughtered many supreme beings here.

It is Qiao Yu's plan to kill all the supreme beings in this small world.

But before that, Qiao Yu first needs to obtain enough six-color Rubik's Cubes.

If it was before, Qiao Yu would still be a little worried about not having enough six-color Rubik's cubes. However, in the abstract world on the dark side of the world, Qiao Yu discovered that you really have a lot of six-color Rubik's cubes here.

Before Qiao Yu talked with the black octopus, he had already found more than 60 six-color Rubik's Cubes here, and there were more places farther away.

This is simply the place where the six-phase color Rubik's Cube is produced.

But for now, more than 60 six-color Rubik's Cube seal transmission arrays are more than enough.

"It's here, you are ready, I will put you in, there are many supreme beings there, of course, many of them are from deep sleep, once they fight, they will all wake up, you have to be careful."

"Hahaha..." The black octopus immediately laughed when he heard that. "There are only more than 30 people. They are the ones who should be careful."

"Okay, I'll take you in."

Under the control of the power of annihilation, Qiao Yu directly threw the black octopus into the world of the fish sac bubble.

"Hahaha...Damn Supreme, come out." The black octopus had already been thrown in, and it immediately let out a roar.

But the next moment, the black octopus was a little confused.

In the perception, there are more than thirty supreme auras, there are three hundred.

These hundreds of dense supreme auras are like stars in the sky, making the black octopus gasp.

"Human beings, how can there be thirty of them?" the black octopus cursed suddenly in his heart.

Following the roar of the black octopus, immediately, in the entire world of fish sacs and bubbles, many legionnaires looked over one after another.The twelve Supreme Beings stationed there immediately looked over.

On the contrary, those many supreme beings sleeping in various devices did not wake up from the sleeping devices in the first time.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Yu felt a little enlightened. "It seems that these supreme slumbers are also some kind of deep slumber, not a state that will wake up in a short while. This can give the black octopus a certain space to play."


Black Octopus is also a decisive person. Seeing that there are many enemies here, he directly makes a sudden move without giving the enemy the slightest chance to prepare.

In an instant, the black octopus moved more than 800 meters, and its tentacles suddenly came out.

As a four-star supreme being, Black Octopus is far more powerful than these first- and second-level supreme beings.

Coupled with the almost invincible defense of the black octopus itself, it is very easy to kill these one-star and two-star supremes.



The two two-star Supremes were directly pierced through the body by the tentacles of the black octopus.

With a sudden strangulation of strength, the two Supremes fell directly.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, activate the rescue mode." Seeing the fierceness of the black octopus supreme, one of the supreme supremes roared directly.

Many operators in the steel jungle of the city below immediately launched an emergency plan.A teleportation array suddenly burst into light.

Accompanied by the roar of the supreme being, the people below moved quickly.The black octopus began to explode crazily, and began to massacre everyone crazily.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Yu laughed.

With a thought, Qiao Yu directly appeared in a small corner of the fish sac bubble world. The perfectly restrained Qiao Yu appeared in this urgent and chaotic environment, and no one could find Qiao Yu at all.

The location of Qiao Yu's appearance is very ingenious, just at the edge of that teleportation array.Through the abstract world of the outside world, Qiao Yu can easily be placed in any corner of the fish sac bubble world.


Using the wizard's hand, he directly threw a row of four six-color magic cubes in the past, and immediately, these four six-color magic cubes completely sealed the teleportation array.

Now that Qiao Yu has learned how to use the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube, it is easy to use it to seal the teleportation array.

The four hexaphase-color Rubik's Cubes present three-dimensional triangles and are located in the center of the teleportation array. The spreading sealing power completely suppresses the teleportation array.

After sealing the teleportation array here, Qiao Yu directly entered the dark side of the world again.The whole process was silent, and no one noticed at all.

"No, there is a problem with the teleportation array here, and a strange cube object appeared here, sealing the teleportation array."

The next moment, many people around the teleporter suddenly screamed.

At this time, the black octopus had a strong insight ability, and he also discovered that these humans seemed to be asking for backup.And Qiao Yu sealed the teleportation array.

At this moment, he would not know Qiao Yu's thoughts.So with a movement of his body, he rushed directly towards the people here.



Immediately, a large number of humans died under the tentacles of the black octopus.

The black octopus knew very well that it would be very terrifying if these humans came to back them up, so he would not let those humans bring them back at all.So first kill all the human workers here, and then cooperate with Qiao Yu to seal the teleportation array here, then there will be no backup here.

At this moment, in the deep control room inside the world of the fish sac bubble, a group of SSS-level expert workers are manipulating the core of the fish sac bubble.

At this time, they have already checked what happened in this world through their permissions.

"Headquarters, Headquarters, the No. [-] teleportation array is sealed, warn that the No. [-] teleportation array is sealed." A hurried voice came over.

"Start, teleportation array number two, number three, and number four." Immediately, as the manager of this world, a 35-year-old woman made a decisive decision.

(End of this chapter)

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