Calamity Frontier

Chapter 393 Seal

Chapter 393 Seal
Hiding in the abstract world, I suddenly looked at the world of fish sac bubbles.

"Two more teleportation arrays have been activated." Qiao Yu said softly.

Qiao Yu, who is on the dark side of the world, is well aware of all the changes in the world.The blooming of the space ripples of the space teleportation array was as dazzling as a light in the dark, and it was hard for Qiao Yu not to notice it.

With a thought, Qiao Yu, who restrained his breath, directly came to a teleportation room deep underground.The four six-color Rubik's Cubes were placed on the teleportation array as soon as they raised their hands.


With another thought, Qiao Yu disappeared and entered the dark side of the world.

The next moment, Qiao Yu appeared in the inner space of another mountain peak.

At this time, the space teleportation array inside the mountain was already lit up, obviously, foreign aid was coming.

"It came quite quickly, what a pity."

As soon as he raised his hand, four six-color Rubik's Cubes flew over, directly sending the space to be suppressed forcibly.

at this time.

Starry Sky Demon Capital, inside.Within a strategic small world of floating islands.

This strategic small world is the transmission center.Through the teleportation array here, legion fighters can quickly lead to any other world.

At this time, more than 50 Supremes are waiting here.

Just now, there was news that the core world of the Holy Shield Project had been invaded.A weird black octopus appeared in that world. The black octopus is extremely powerful, almost as strong as a four-star supreme, but what is even more terrifying is the defense of the black octopus, which is simply terrifying.Easily killed the digital supreme.

At this time, the more than 50 Supremes are all three-star or even four-star, and one is a five-star Supreme. They all went to the world of the Holy Shield Project to support.


As the two teleportation arrays in front of them lit up, several supreme beings in the lead stepped into the teleportation array one after another, and many subsequent supreme beings also walked over.

But the situation at the next moment made them startled.

I saw that after the light of the teleportation array flashed, it turned gray and then disappeared.


Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but stay where they were.

"No. [-] and No. [-] teleportation formations have also been sealed." Seeing the situation shown in the authority content, as the commander here, Gu Shengyu's face became extremely ugly.

His eyes flicked over the images of the No. [-] and No. [-] transmission arrays.That gray figure and the seal of the six-color Rubik's Cube made Gu Shengyu realize that things were obviously not as simple as she imagined.

"Do you want to start the follow-up teleportation array?" At this time, several people around looked at each other, and they all realized that once they opened the teleportation array, that guy who didn't know where he was hiding in the corner would immediately teleport Array seal.

Gu Shengyu, whose complexion was slightly surging, looked at the projection of the whole world.

At this time, the black octopus had already killed all the twelve supreme beings guarding here. At the same time, the black octopus was also starting to slaughter those sleeping supreme beings. Basically, every time a black octopus pokes it, one will die.

In this short moment, more than 40 supreme beings still died.

After all, those supreme beings in the sleeping cabin have no power to resist at all.

"Wake up all the supreme beings, and at the same time, open the teleportation arrays No. [-], [-], and [-]." Gu Shengyu gritted his teeth and said fiercely.



The people below responded one after another and acted quickly.


At this time, the black octopus in the frenzy of killing also felt that there was no follow-up enemy entering, and understood that it was probably due to Qiao Yu's seal.

But the many Supremes here will wake up anytime and anywhere, so he must kill more people as soon as possible, otherwise, even if hundreds of Supremes wake up, it will be difficult for him to fight against hundreds of enemies.

The teleportation array was quickly opened.

"There are three more." At the same time that the teleportation array opened, Qiao Yu had already noticed the location of the three teleportation arrays.

With a thought, Qiao Yu continued to appear in one of the three teleportation formations.Six-phase Rubik's Cube quickly casts and seals directly.

Immediately afterwards, he returned to the dark side of the world, and landed on the edge of the second teleportation array, and the second teleportation array was also sealed under the quick operation.

"Damn it." Seeing Qiao Yu sealing the teleportation array one by one, Gu Shengyu's face turned ashen.


With a flash, Qiao Yu had already reached the edge of the third teleportation array.

"Huh?" As soon as he came here, Qiao Yu noticed that the light of the teleportation array here seemed to be surging.In other words, the people in it will be teleported.

As soon as he raised his hand, Qiao Yu placed a row of eight six-color Rubik's Cubes around the teleportation array.

In an instant, a small sealing circle was formed.

Accompanied by strong space shock ripples.

An invisible Supreme appeared in this teleportation array.

As soon as he appeared, the Supreme's face changed, because he saw the six-color Rubik's Cube, and he also felt that the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube had just formed a sealing circle around him, and he happened to be teleported over.

"Not good." The five-star Supreme suddenly felt something was wrong.

But it was too late, and the eight six-color Rubik's Cubes directly and perfectly formed a closed-loop form.

While sealing the Supreme here, the sealing circle has also sealed the teleportation circle.

"A big fish came in." Seeing this, Qiao Yu couldn't help but smile.Then Qiao Yu disappeared in an instant.


At this time, the black octopus has completely entered a state of madness.He wantonly slaughtered one Supreme after another.

At the same time, many supreme beings are also waking up one after another.

Some supreme beings woke up, but the black octopus hadn't attacked yet, while some supreme beings found themselves seriously injured and on the verge of death as soon as they woke up.

There are even some supreme beings who feel that their souls are beginning to collapse as soon as they wake up.Of course, the most unlucky ones are those Supremes who died in sleep, they have no chance to resist at all.

Accompanied by the awakening of hundreds of supreme beings, one after another woke up.

Rao is the black octopus killing with all its strength, but the black octopus has only killed sixty or seventy supreme beings.

With the awakening at this time, more than 500 Supreme Beings have already woken up.


Facing the more than 500 supreme beings, even though the black octopus was numb, there was no way for him to retreat.

Without Qiao Yu's guidance, he would not be able to return to the dark side of the weird world, and Qiao Yu led him here just to kill all these supreme beings. Without killing all the supreme beings here, it cannot leave.

In order to go back alive, his only way is to kill everyone here.

The black octopus, who understood incomparably in his heart, began to attack frantically.

Many supreme beings who woke up, some were still amazed that they had stepped into the supreme level, but seeing the tragic situation around them, these supreme beings understood instantly.

Here, foreign enemies have invaded.

(End of this chapter)

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