Chapter 412
bang bang...

boom... boom...

huh huh...

At this time, the floating island at the core of Starry Sky Demon Capital was completely in flames of war.The supreme masters of all levels, the masters of S-level masters, completely fought together.

The many buildings in the Starry Sky Demon City originally had the property of being indestructible, but at this moment, facing the power of the terrifying supremes, these buildings with indestructible attributes were also destroyed. scattered.

Even many towering buildings were beaten to pieces.

Originally, the two sides were evenly matched.

But with the subsequent twelve nine-star supreme beings quietly joining.Although the entire battle situation did not immediately show a crushing trend, the whole battle situation has slowly turned around unconsciously.

Obviously, the offensive side began to occupy the top.

It has to be said that these twelve Supremes are very wise and cunning. They know very well what they need to do to maximize the benefits for themselves and the entire attacker team.

Blue Star Floating Island, within a towering tower on the edge.

Qiao Yu just stood here, quietly watching the battle in the distance.As if everything has nothing to do with him.

Strictly speaking, all of this really doesn't have much to do with Qiao Yu.

Feeling it carefully, a smile appeared on the corner of Qiao Yu's mouth.

"There are a lot of good things hidden deep in the authority of the legion. Now, they are fighting fiercely. At the same time, the authority at the core is no longer so tightly wrapped."

"Maybe I can."

Staring there, Qiao Yu's heart throbbed slightly.

A moment later, at the corner of the Starry Sky Demon City.In the frenzied outbreak of the battle, Qiao Yu used the authority to teleport, and an authority avatar quietly landed here.

Qiao Yu could feel that this was the weak point of the legion's authority defense.It is easy to infiltrate from here, and the enemy will not be able to detect it.

But at this moment, the legion is hard to protect itself. Even if they find out, there is probably no one who can stop Qiao Yu.

After all, too many attackers are attacking now, and the soldiers of the legion are completely exhausted.

Looking quickly around, Qiao Yu saw several disaster fighters chasing a wounded legion soldier through the corridor, and then Qiao Yu quietly walked past a corner on the side.

"This way."

When he came to a corridor with four intersections, Qiao Yu glanced slightly, and he had already identified the location of the core authority, and then Qiao Yu quickly entered the corridor.

The purpose of Qiao Yu's trip is to pass through the defense layer of the sixth-level authority of the Legion Warriors through his own level-[-] authority, and then enter the authority core of the Starry Sky Demon City.

After all, at this time, the legion's side was completely boiling in the war.Qiao Yu has enough opportunities to get into it.

First of all, Qiao Yu hopes to see those legionnaires lose their authority, and then die or be wiped out in the world of disaster missions.

In the mission world of the calamity world, even the supreme, even the nine-star supreme, under the rules of the disaster gods, when it should be obliterated, it will be obliterated.

Therefore, Qiao Yu is of course happy to see the legion soldiers being obliterated by the disaster god.

At the same time, Qiao Yu hopes that he can get more authority.

Authority, this thing, in the calamity world, no one would dislike more.

It can be seen from the fact that the Blue Star Clan has authority and can save their lives.Terrible levels of authority in this world.

In the process of passing through the corridor, it was obvious that Qiao Yu's progress was not very smooth.

It hasn't waited until Qiao Yu has penetrated the distance of [-] meters.Three SS-level masters saw Qiao Yu.

At this time, Qiao Yu's body is just an authority avatar, which only has less than one percent of Qiao Yu's own strength, which is barely an A-level entry.Facing three SS-level masters, one can imagine.

After meeting each other, Qiao Yu ran away directly to one side.

Those three SS-level masters were just about to chase after them, when another SSS team had infiltrated the interior, and the two sides fought together in an instant.Fortunately, Qiao Yu's avatar was also taken off.

Then, Qiao Yu continued along the road.

Ten minutes later, Qiao Yu came to the edge of a central square.

Qiao Yu hid silently in a small sanitary booth that was twisted and about to be broken at the edge of the square.

At the same time, through the broken window, Qiao Yu could see the authority status here.

"The authority defense is shrinking. This means that more and more people on the legion's side have died."

Legionnaires previously possessed a level [-] authority core.But now it has become a level [-] authority core.

The authority core of level six, that is to say, this authority has a large area of ​​authority space, just like the level nine authority core in the former authority mothership.

This area of ​​space is inaccessible to ordinary creatures.This is also the authority of the authority, and the core area of ​​its authority cannot be entered unless the owner of the authority has it.

However, the form of advanced life is different.For example, Qiao Yu can enter it.

However, once he entered it, Qiao Yu would definitely be discovered.Although Qiao Yu's avatar is not worth much.But once you startle the snake, it will be bad.

Qiao Yu is very patient. However, Qiao Yu believes in the means of those attackers. After all, none of the supreme beings in the borderlands is easy to mess with.

Qiao Yu believed that soon, or even before long, with the death of those legionnaires, the more people died, the more chaotic the core authority would be relatively speaking.With enough people dying, the entire core authority will be out of control, and at that time, I will easily enter it.

After all, if the owners of these permissions die, then these scattered permissions will definitely destroy the original permissions.When enough people die and the impact is fierce enough, the entire jurisdiction will be completely chaotic.And at that time, it was Qiao Yu's chance.

At this time, there is a corner in the sky.

Haotian Supreme, wielding his own battle axe, opened and closed his attacks very fiercely.The terrible power gathered by the battle ax even cuts the space when it is swung.

The invincible Haotian Supreme, relying on the tomahawk artifact, unscrupulously killed many attackers.

"Go to hell." Supreme Haotian slammed an ax at a Supreme Shield Warrior.

The ax swung down.


The situation that Haotian Supreme had imagined that the guy died tragically under his own battle ax did not happen.

On the contrary, the shield warrior held the battle shield and firmly resisted Haotian Supreme's battle axe.


Seeing this, Supreme Haotian couldn't help but startled.

"No, this is a trap." All of a sudden, the icicles of the Supreme Master burst out.He instantly felt the aura of more than a dozen nine-star supreme beings suddenly blooming around him.

(End of this chapter)

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