Calamity Frontier

Chapter 413 Entering the 32nd Palm

Chapter 413 No.30 Two Palms Enter
When the twelve nine-star supreme beings of the border land joined the battlefield, they did so quietly, in order to be able to directly destroy one of the four ancient supreme beings on the legion's side at this critical moment.

These ancient guys are just too powerful.Attack, defense, speed, soul, body, combat skills, combat ability, mastery of natural forces, etc., they have no shortcomings in every aspect.

Therefore, a group of twelve supreme beings were previously hidden for the purpose of erupting at this moment.

Sensing the danger, Haotian Supreme wants to release a terrifying life-saving trick in an instant. After all, he, Haotian Supreme, as one of the oldest supremes, is not even a little bit powerful. The two supreme beings joined forces, and he dared to fight each other.However, he now needs to avoid the opponent's ambush attack.

"Light of God's Shadow." Haotian Supreme roared suddenly.

"Annihilate it for me!" A supreme being holding a crystal ball beside him, his eyes were ethereal, and he chanted toweringly.

"Wow wow..."

The originally condensed light of divine shadow was instantly annihilated.At the same time, a "dark curse" replaced by a misunderstanding fell on him.

"You..." Seeing this scene, Haotian Supreme instantly widened his eyes.

The attacking side, since they knew that they were going to deal with these terrifying supreme beings, they were naturally prepared. At this time, a group of twelve supreme beings already knew everything about these four ancient supreme beings.At this time, a sneak attack must be a one-hit attack to take down one person.


The other eleven supreme beings all shot in an instant.

Facing the sneak attack of the eleven Supremes, Haotian Supreme, who had been calculated by the enemy, had no power to fight back at this time.

Six destructive attacks of extreme natural force, two strangulations of lightning, three entanglements of dark light, and the last absorption by a black hole.

chi chi...

In an instant, eleven terrifying attacks directly wiped out Haotian Supreme completely, and even the corpse was forcibly absorbed by the black hole skill.




Seeing this, the remaining three ancient supreme beings who were fighting with the enemy in the distance suddenly sank in their hearts.

The four of them have fought together for many years, but now, facing such a powerful attack, the four of them are still in danger.

A bright dagger, like the stars piled up in the sky, pierced through the chest of the Water Mist Supreme with ease.

"Not good." It wasn't until the dagger pierced through the Water Mist Supreme that he suddenly noticed the enemy's sneak attack.

"Looking for death." Water Mist Supreme blatantly fought back, and the sneak attacking enemy disappeared in an instant.Only a series of deep "Hey..." laughter remained.

At this time, in the distance, Haotian Supreme died in battle.

In an instant, Qiao Yu felt that the core authority of the legionnaires began to become chaotic.

"Great opportunity." Qiao Yu straightened his body and rushed forward directly in the chaotic core area of ​​authority.

Qiao Yu's goal was the previous seventh level at the core of the legion warrior, but now it has been burned to the sixth level of authority.

When Qiao Yu advanced rapidly, the sky once again entered the climax of the battle.

The sudden eruption of the twelve Supremes directly wiped out a powerful Supreme on one side of the legion, and another nine-star Supreme even attacked the Water Mist Supreme.

Seeing that there are so many terrifying supreme beings on his side, the morale of many other supreme beings is immediately boosted.

As for the legion side, seeing this, everyone's heart was filled with obscurity and despair.

If it weren't for the fact that they had no way out, some of them might have already fled.


The morale-boosting attackers charged forward in indignation.

With the madness of many attackers, the legion fighters began to show a tendency to be defeated at this time.

At this time, a large number of legion fighters began to retreat to the scope of authority of the core area behind.The attackers are frantically chasing and attacking.

The trend of defeat is completely the trend of the situation. Even if some people try to resist the attacks of the crowd with their own strength, those who do this are often directly annihilated by many attacks.

"It's over." At this moment, Supreme Candle in the sky turned pale when he saw this scene.Even though its strength is unmatched, at this moment, it is difficult for him to turn against the trend by himself.

In a leisurely manner, the Supreme Candle raised his head slightly tremblingly and looked at a corner of the sky.

"Aren't you still willing to make a move?" Withered Candle Supreme said in a hoarse voice.

"You know, if I make a move, I will bear the price. Besides, once I make a move, the God of Calamity will probably suppress your authority even more. Even your level-[-] level of authority only has the effect of level-[-]. "A rather feminine voice that could not distinguish between men and women came leisurely.

"However, that's at least better than being wiped out by the group now." Withered Candle Supreme's eyes quickly flicked around, and his tone was a little hasty.

"However, even if I make a move, you must understand that Na Lie will not let it go."

"That guy at least now we don't know what he's plotting?"

"Whatever he is, but judging from what that guy did, he must want to kill us."

"Forget it!" said the soft voice. "Since this is the case, then I will take action. After this battle, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to serve the legion again."

"You've always done enough." Dead Candle Supreme said so.

Within the Starry Sky Demon City.


At this moment, many legionnaires retreated frantically, while many attackers were attacking unscrupulously, and even many long-distance fighters were chasing and killing those melee fighters.

After all, in the decisive battle at this time, the more kills, the more credits will naturally be obtained when it is time to claim credit.Therefore, when faced with the enemy's big defeat, killing people is trying to get more credit.

At the same time, many people also know that some of these legionnaires may have authority items on their bodies.

Once those authority items are exposed, even if they are first-level and second-level, they are still excellent for them.

After all, things like permission props are out of print.

Therefore, at this time everyone is chasing and killing crazily.


Suddenly, above the sky, an indescribably terrifying wave exploded.

Everyone felt that this terrifying energy fluctuation contained a power that could almost destroy the entire world.

"This is..." Qiao Yu, who was deepening at this moment, suddenly looked towards that corner of the sky.

"It's a terrifying power that contains rules. Has that guy surpassed Supreme?" Qiao Yu was secretly startled.

(End of this chapter)

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