Calamity Frontier

Chapter 414 Fighting

Chapter 414 Fighting
Just when everyone was still terrified of the terrifying power blooming.

High in the sky, a human with long hair who couldn't tell whether he was a man or a woman appeared above the sky above the Starry Sky Demon City.

The shining golden stars trembled slightly under the breath of this human being.

In an instant, this human has already shot.

He made a bold move.

Suddenly, the whole world seemed to have a feeling of being turned upside down.

The human being slapped down leisurely with a palm, and a black palm wind spread out.

The palm wind rose against the wind, reaching a distance of a thousand meters almost instantly.Wherever the palm wind goes, it will be destroyed.The air is directly broken.

The pure black palm piercing wind whizzed over, as if the sky had fallen.

There are nearly 1 people on the attacking side covered by this palm.

If this palm strikes down, I am afraid that the more than 1 attackers, no matter whether they are Supreme or S-level, will surely die.

After all, the power fluctuations contained in this palm are far more terrifying than those at the supreme level.

Faced with this destructive palm, the faces of the many people who were enveloped in the attack instantly became extremely ugly, and countless people were even more heart-beating and fled in all directions.

But this palm came too fast, and almost no one could escape from those people who were enveloped.


In an instant, this palm shattered.

The power of the shattered palm was like a wave sweeping through many people below, but this palm swept over.When it diffused to the bodies of everyone, it was like a breeze blowing away, without even the slightest power.

The momentum is like rushing to the thunder, and it lands silently.

Everyone who was crazy and unable to escape before suddenly encountered such a change, and they were all a little dazed.

This extremely powerful palm did not explode with power.

In the sky.

"You..." Kuzhu Supreme, startled for a moment, then said angrily. "How do you disperse this palm, why don't you kill them?"

"If I slap one-tenth of their attackers to death with one palm, will everyone in our legion still have a way to survive?" the "Tianhua Zhanzun" said softly.

Withered Candle Supreme's face was distorted.

Now, he is undoubtedly extremely indignant towards these attackers, and he naturally wants to kill them all.However, the enemy is too powerful now, and he even has to pray to the enemy he hates, in a vain attempt to allow his own side to survive.

To pray to the person he hated, this made the supreme dry candle's heart, anger and distortion, plus the trampled dignity smashed together.

Following Tian Huazhan Zun's move.

Many attacks stopped the pace of attack at the same time. After all, this guy who suddenly appeared is too powerful.

All eyes were focused on the body of War Venerable Tianhua in the sky that day.

This existence beyond the Supreme is simply as terrifying as a god.

"Awesome." At this moment, Lie laughed lightly in the sky.

What Lie said is powerful, of course, does not mean that the opponent's strength is great, but that the opponent's attack is not a means to hurt people.

Just now, the other party suddenly reached out, and Lie had no interest in stopping it at all.

After all, once the master of the legion side wiped out tens of thousands of attackers in one blow, needless to say, there would be no chance of negotiation.It directly ruined the future of the legion.

At that time, as long as he blocked it with his own shot, the entire legion would definitely be wiped out today.

But this human being shot directly to intimidate everyone, and did not kill everyone, so there is room for everything to turn around. This move is obviously excellent.However, there are very few people who can see the effect of this move.

"Everyone, stop. If I make a move, even if the legion is about to enter and be destroyed, but today, among all the supreme beings you have reached here, I dare say that no more than five fingers will be able to return alive. So... everyone, please stop." !" That day Hua Zhanzun, so slowly explained.

Its voice was like thunder, billowing and sweeping across the sky, and at the same time, divine power penetrated into everyone's mind.Everyone felt the irresistible majesty in his words.

"For the legion side, it has been able to stand for such a long time. I have speculated a long time ago. There may be a guy who surpasses the Supreme Being behind this. It is really good to see it today."

At this time, in the sky, "Qiao Lie" in black clothes emerged.At the same time, above his shoulder, a black crow stood there silently.

The attacking side had long known that there was a terrifying existence called "Lie" deep behind everyone's back. There were even rumors that this Lie was a terrifying existence that had been handed down from the previous era to this era.

It was precisely because they knew that there was such a big man backing them that all the people dared to attack so recklessly.

Earlier, the terrifying existence of the second party of the Legion suddenly appeared, and everyone couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. After all, this guy is really terrible.

But now as soon as Lie appeared, everyone immediately felt relieved.

"Lie." Hua Zhanzun watched and stared at Lie from a distance that day. "I didn't expect that the rumors are true, you really came back in endless time."

"Okay," Lie said lightly. "Stop talking so much nonsense."

"For a long time, you have known better than anyone else what the legion has done. This world is not exclusive to you, but you rely on authority to slaughter everyone at will."

"Today, we have reached this point. There is absolutely no possibility for the Legion to exist." Lie said slowly.

After Tianhua Zhanzun looked around Lie's body for a while, he restrained his expression and said directly.

"Senior Lie, people don't speak dark words, tell me, what exactly do you need before you are willing to give up destroying our legion soldiers, or what is your real purpose for this trip?"

Tianhua Zhanzun knows better than anyone that at their level, they are already in this world, they already have nothing to ask for, and they have an endless lifespan and extremely high freedom, and they can even avoid disasters. Evil Lord God obliterated.

At this level, they basically have no desires and no desires.

Of course, although there is no desire or desire, the actions of Lie and those beings at the same level in the last era, in the eyes of Tianhua Zhanzun, are obviously death, and they actually went to snatch the authority of the main god.


War Venerable Tianhua followed the rule information and checked it clearly.

In the last era, the reason why Lie and others broke the world was that in the last era, Lie and those guys with endless lifespans joined forces to attack the main god.

Trying to seize the authority of the Lord God, they became the masters of this world.

I have to say that Lie and those people were really daring and ambitious, but obviously they didn't succeed.

Lie, such an existence that can snatch the dominion of the Lord God of Calamity.But now, so many people are organized to attack the legion.Isn't this a joke?
Therefore, Tianhua Zhanzun knew that this fierce man definitely had something to plot.Although on the surface, Lie said that he wanted to resist the notice from the legion, but that was bullshit.

Tianhua Zhanzun understands better than anyone else that Lie will never go out of his way to help others resist the rule.After all, it was Lie's strength.How dare the Legion side bully him?That's just nonsense.

Therefore, Tianhua Zhanzun knew that Lie must have his own secrets that no one knew.At the same time, Lie's attack on the legion's side was also for that secret.

This is the premise of the negotiation of the Tianhua War Venerable.

(End of this chapter)

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