Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 102 Missing You Missing You

Chapter 102 Missing You Missing You (3)

Whether it was Fu Zichen's side or Jiang Li's side, Lin Ziyu promised to go to bed early.

But who knows, as it was written, the time slipped to 01:30 by accident.

I stood up and stretched, stretched my back, and stretched my whole body comfortably. Then I sat down and checked it carefully, and uploaded it to the draft box to set a scheduled release after confirming that there were no typos.

As a person who has zero saved manuscripts every day and relies on cash for updates every day, Lin Ziyu’s sense of accomplishment almost overflows as soon as he saves manuscripts. Walking is like walking on clouds, humming a light song while walking, suddenly I don't know what it is to be tired.

"Boom!" Lin Ziyu was woken up by the thunder before she fell asleep. She muttered "It's so noisy", pulled the quilt over her head, and continued to sleep soundly.

I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect. In the second half of the night, no matter it’s windy, rainy, lightning and thunder, Lin Ziyu is not disturbed at all. She sleeps until noon and wakes up to hear the sound of raindrops hitting the window. Only later did I realize that it was raining outside.

When it rains, she doesn't even want to get up.


The "gurgling" sound told her that it was impossible for her to stay in bed, she had to get up and find food to fill it up.

"Oh, get up." She muttered listlessly, and patted her belly that was croaking with hunger with her pale hands.

Li Suxuan and Lin Jianguo had already gone to work, and she was the only one at home. Lin Ziyu searched the kitchen but couldn't find anything that could be eaten hot and ready to eat. kitchen.

If you really think about it carefully, she doesn't just know how to wash vegetables and dishes, she can also cook instant noodles, noodles, and rice noodles... Well, by the way, she can also add a poached egg and sprinkle some chopped green onion, the kind that is full of color, fragrance and flavor.

In view of her strong desire to eat, Lin Ziyu cooked instant noodles this time...and added two eggs.

Boiling instant noodles is the quickest way, just wait for 5 minutes, and the hot egg instant noodles are out of the oven.

In the countless nights of drafting, other than the computer, Lin Ziyu was accompanied by instant noodles.

After being away for a few days, she actually missed it a little bit, holding a bowl and "squeezing" and began to disappear.

Whether instant noodles are soaked or boiled, they all have one thing in common. The first few bites are delicious, and the next few bites feel the same, and the last few bites can’t help but reflect on whether they are too hungry. eat.

Lin Ziyu never had this kind of thought before, but today, when she was eating with chopsticks, a thought flashed through her mind...

It would be great if Xiaocui was here.

Xiaocui can make a lot of food for her, and she won't bring heavy food for N days.

【Xiao Cuicui, Xiao Cuicui, call Xiao Cuicui, call Xiao Cuicui~】

Halfway through the meal, Lin Ziyu couldn't take it anymore, so she sat at the dining table and sent a message to Xiaocui.

[Got it, madam. 】Xiao Cui's reply was quite satisfactory.

【When will you come back?I miss you, it's so boring to be alone at home. 】

In fact, it's not just me who is boring, but what I haven't eaten... food.

[I'll be back tomorrow, ma'am. 】

It is rare for her to rest together for more than two consecutive days at work. As soon as Lin Ziyu told her that she could rest for two days, she immediately booked a train home.

[Wait for you, Xiao Cuicui. #飞KISS##飞KISS#]


As a person who has saved manuscripts, the first thing Lin Ziyu does after packing up the dishes is not to turn on the computer to type, but to make a cup of coffee and sit on the sofa and drink it leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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