Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 103 Missing You Missing You

Chapter 103 Missing You Missing You (4)

A comfortable life is just like this, she thought.

After going to the bathroom, it suddenly occurred to me that I forgot to test my morning urine, and then I turned out the remaining two pregnancy test sticks, not knowing whether I should take the test or not.

If it is tested, it may not be accurate. If it is not tested, she will always hang in her heart.

Anyway, there are two more, or...she will test another one?
Yes, try another one.

She took a deep breath, exhaled, turned her head and ran to the bathroom again.

Time slipped by minute by minute, minute by second, minute by second...

Five minutes later, the bathroom door finally opened, and Lin Ziyu came out with a smile on her face.

Oye, no.

But when she returned to Shanhaihui, she couldn't laugh anymore.

Because... She forgot to close the bedroom window when she went out yesterday, and the rain poured in, causing water damage to the whole room.

However, more devastation is yet to come.

She usually likes to carry the computer to the small balcony of the bedroom to write manuscripts...

Yesterday too.

Moreover, she forgot to put it in the house before going out.

"Ah! My computer!!" Holding the wet laptop, Lin Ziyu was jumping anxiously.

This is her "ally" who has been with her for five years! !

It was shaking the water again, and it went straight to the repair shop, with a tense face the whole time, and it scared the repair guy when he entered the shop.

"The possibility of your computer being repaired is relatively low. The machine is old and soaked in water for too long..."

After the inspection, the maintenance brother told Lin Ziyu not to have too much hope that it can be repaired. However, before he finished speaking, he was frightened by her cold expression and swallowed the rest of the words.

"Brother, please help me fix it. The contents of the computer are very important to me." Lin Ziyu grabbed his arm and looked at him beggingly.

There are essays, essays, outlines, and all kinds of real-time ideas written by her in the computer. If you don't have them, you will have them, which is undoubtedly tantamount to killing her!

The little brother's face turned red, he lowered his head shyly and did not dare to look at Lin Ziyu, he was so nervous that he stammered: "I, I, I will try my best, and I will try my best to fix it."

Damn, such a beautiful person actually took his hand, his hand...

So dreamy.

Um, no, grab his arm.

But it doesn't matter, it's pretty much the same.

"Thank you." Lin Ziyu withdrew her hand and finally showed a smile on her face.

Wait left, wait right, wait again, wait again, Lin Ziyu stood aside and watched the little brother disassemble the motherboard and blow the water stains, the tension in his heart gradually dissipated.

The little brother is so organized, he must have a plan in mind.


Sometimes the slap in the face comes so fast, Lin Ziyu boasted about my brother's skills one minute ago, and the next second I heard my brother announce that it is impossible to save.

"Hold, I'm sorry, your computer can't be repaired..." When the little brother said this, he looked at her face carefully.

"It can't be fixed..." Lin Ziyu staggered, the blood on his face faded little by little, and he murmured incoherently: "My manuscript, my outline, my idea..."

"Meimei, beauty, I'm really trying my best..." The little brother was frightened by Lin Ziyu's dazed expression and quickly stuffed the computer into her arms, and added a sentence: "I, we don't charge money..."

At this time, Lin Ziyu would rather he tell her how much it will cost when it is repaired.

Holding the notebook tightly in his arms, he walked aimlessly on the street with a wooden face.

(End of this chapter)

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