Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 151 Stalker

Chapter 151 Stalker (2)

"Little uncle, do any girls like you at school?"

Many years ago, Lin Ziyu was still a little girl with two little wombs. One day, she came to play at Fu's house in the north of the city and met Fu Zichen who had just come back from the outside. Slowly running to Fu Zichen, looking up at him innocently with his little head up.

Fu Zichen paused as he was about to go upstairs, and looked sideways at the little radish head in front of him, thinking that his teeth hadn't even grown yet, but he had already learned to gossip. Are children now so precocious?

"There must be nothing, right?"

Before he could say anything, Lin Ziyu couldn't wait to ask, grinning, revealing a mouthful of ragged white teeth, big black eyes bent into a crescent moon, and the whole person looked cute and cute.

so sure?He raised his eyebrows and asked her intentionally, "Well, how do you know?"

"Because little uncle, you often have a straight face. Girls won't like a straight face."

At that time, Lin Ziyu didn't know the impact of these words. Lin Ziyu smiled and said it innocently, without even noticing that after hearing what she said, Fu Zichen's expression became more rigid, and she was exuding air-conditioning. faster than anyone else.

Of course, Fu Zichen hit her a lot before.

It was a certain day several years ago, and she didn't know what happened that day, but she only remembered that she accidentally splashed fruit juice all over his body, his face suddenly changed from sunny to thundery, and his cold phoenix eyes gave her a fierce gouging, never She squeezed out her name between her teeth, "Lin! Zi! Yu!".

"That...Little uncle, I can wash it for you." She shrank her neck and raised her hand weakly to suggest.

She really didn't do it on purpose, who told him to walk quietly, did he practice light kung fu?

"No need!" Fu Zichen glanced at a large stain on his chest in disgust, his forehead twitched, it was obvious that he had reached the limit of his patience, and it would be considered as merciful not to strangle her on the spot.

At that time, Lin Ziyu shrank her neck weakly and looked at him without making a sound.

I was really, really sorry in my heart, and immediately took out all the pocket money I had saved for a semester when I got home, and then went straight to the mall to pick out the exact same one for him.

But when she sent it over, Fu Zichen said no without even looking at it.

Ouch, she has such a violent temper, she grabbed her clothes and threw it at Fu Zichen.

She crossed Xiaoman's waist and glared at him angrily, "I've already bought it, you have to take it if you don't want it, and I won't take back what I gave away!"

Thinking back seriously now, Lin Ziyu realized that he and Fu Zichen had a lot of interactions in the past.

Well, but every time we meet, either she blows her hair or he turns cold.

Thinking of spending the pocket money that I had worked so hard to save for a semester to buy clothes for him and being disgusted by him, I suddenly remembered that I had just bought pajamas for him, so I asked him cheaply.

[Comrade Fu Zichen, what do you think of the new pajamas? 】

【very good. ] Fu Zichen replied quickly.

【Then... compared to the T-shirt I gave you before? 】

What T-shirt?
Fu Zichen paused when he poked the screen, his eyes seemed to freeze suddenly, and Qin Sheng who was sitting aside to record the minutes of the meeting couldn't help but look at him.

After getting married, the probability of using mobile phones at boss meetings soars...

In the past, except for very, very, very important calls, he would only answer them, but now playing with mobile phones in the conference room is called an aboveboard.

Hey, man in love, tsk tsk tsk, he shook his head.

[It was the one that accidentally spilled juice all over your body before, and I bought it back for you. 】

Lin Ziyu reminded him a little.

It turned out to be that one, Fu Zichen instantly remembered.

(End of this chapter)

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