Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 152 Stalker

Chapter 152 Stalker (3)

But no matter how hard I thought about it, I couldn't remember where the clothes went.

Completely ignoring the spittle-flying vice president of the hotel industry who was reporting on his work, he chatted with Lin Ziyu with his mobile phone in his hand.

[I don't know where I went. 】

When asking, Lin Ziyu had no hope at all, but now that he heard the answer, he replied with an expression, 【#笑笑#】

Subtext: I can only pretend to be calm.

It was a long time later that Lin Ziyu learned why the clothes disappeared and was thrown away by his so-called first love girlfriend.

【just got up? 】Fu Zichen automatically filters her weird emoticons.


Brother, are you clairvoyant?I know it all.

However, Lin Ziyu would not foolishly tell him the truth, so as not to be scolded by him again.

I replied against my will: [I wrote [-] words. 】

Then, she choked out two thousand words in a whole day.

While drinking Huasheng pig's trotter soup in a leisurely way, he changed the subject: [Xiaocui's peanut trotter soup is super good, I've already had my second bowl, remember to give her a bonus at the end of the month~husband. 】

Peanut trotter soup can supplement collagen, and... breast enhancement.

But she personally doesn't think it's very useful, she just thinks it tastes good.

Xiao Cui would not tell her, because she told her that she would be happy if she could grow up a little bit, so she went to the Internet to find breast enhancement recipes.

【Um. 】

【Husband, have you eaten yet?It’s after twelve o’clock, go and eat if you haven’t eaten~~]

As soon as she mentioned it, Fu Zichen suddenly remembered that he hadn't had lunch yet, and suddenly felt a little hungry.

Putting away the mobile phone, he raised his hand to stop the vice president of the hotel industry who was talking happily on the stage.

Chen Shao is notoriously strict, and there is only one situation where he interrupts the work report midway - very, very, very dissatisfied, and one or two hang their heads and remain silent.

On the stage, Vice President Qu looked carefully at the noble man sitting in the chairman's seat, swallowed nervously, and waited for the verdict of fate.

Fu Zichen raised his wrist and glanced at the watch on his wrist, his ink eyes swept across the crowd lightly: "The meeting continues at [-]:[-]."

After speaking, he stood up and walked in the direction of the door.

It's 12:30, which means they have 45 minutes to eat.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Qin Sheng, Special Assistant Qin, who sat down with Fu Zichen in sync.

Qin Sheng closed his pen and put it in his chest pocket, turned his head and smiled at the big guy, "Everyone, go eat."

"Okay, Special Assistant."


Everyone looked at him gratefully.

"Boss?" Fu Zichen had only taken half a step out of the conference room when a petite figure rushed over recklessly, almost crashing into his arms.

"Crape! Wen! Wen!" Fu Zichen's voice was squeezed out from the back molars, and everyone could hear that he was extremely displeased.

Crepe Wenwen shrank her neck, and presented the notebook tightly in her arms to Fu Zichen.

"Sorry, I couldn't fix it for you."

Seeing this, Li Shuangshuang, who was standing outside the door waiting for the meeting to end, stepped forward to take the laptop in Wenwen's hand, and seeing an ink painting on it, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

This laptop belongs to Lin Ziyu.

When she first entered university, she disliked the fact that the computer was white and dirty, so she specially searched for ink painting stickers on the Internet and pasted them on.

At that time, she still cut the stickers for her.

"No problem." Fu Zichen replied coldly, and walked away with long legs.

And Li Wenwen trotted to follow immediately.

 Qin Sheng is the special assistant, and Li Na is the chief assistant. I made a mistake just now.

(End of this chapter)

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