Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 188 I'm Married

Chapter 188 I'm Married (2)

I'm married.

I am married……

Li Wenwen stepped into the CEO's office with arrogance, and walked out dejectedly.

For two years, it was an empty dream.

"How's it going? Director Crepe."

Seeing Wenwen come out with her head down, Li Shuangshuang knew what the result would be without thinking, but she still asked with feigned concern.

"Let's eat it for you, Shuangshuang." Cranium Wenwen said with eyes closed, and stuffed the box in Li Shuang's hands.

Li Shuangshuang could tell at a glance that it was a certain brand of chocolate, and gently patted Wenwen's shoulder with his hand to comfort her: "Director Chen, you still have a chance."

In fact, what I think in my heart is that if a man chases a woman across a mountain, and a woman chases a man with a layer of gauze, the gauze looks thin, so it has to be intentional, doesn't it?
"No more." Crepe Wenwen shook her head, and when she looked up at Li Shuangshuang, her eyes were already filled with tears, and her voice was crying: "He's married..."

No matter how much she likes someone, she will not be a mistress.

The light in Li Shuangshuang's eyes changed slightly, and his heart was already full of turmoil.

Is Fu Zichen married?

How could it be so sudden?
As far as she knew, she had gotten close to Fu Zichen recently, or had an affair.One is He Qingqing and the other is Lin Ziyu.

Is it He Qingqing, or Lin Ziyu? ?
No, definitely not Lin Ziyu.

If it was Lin Ziyu, at the Century Hotel last night, she wouldn't just mock her overtly and secretly.

Could it be He Qingqing?

Ever since it was revealed that she went in and out of the hotel with Fu Zichen, He Qingqing was unusually low-key, and she could hardly be seen on the operation account.

According to the normal routine, He Qingqing should seize this opportunity to hype and increase her popularity.

However, no matter who is Mrs. Fu, Lin Ziyu is three.

Lin Ziyu, Lin Ziyu, you have today too, Li Shuangshuang sneered in her heart, her eyes were full of disdain, she completely forgot how she used all means to pry into Lin Ziyu's corner.

On the front foot, Fu Zichen admitted that he was married, but on the back foot, the news that he was married was overwhelming on the Internet, and the popularity of the popular actress Song Sisi was five months pregnant.

There are several hot topics that follow -

#Fu Zichen He Qingqing#
#Fu Zichen dated a mysterious woman#
#Fu Zichen Suspected Carrying Charm | Wife Attends Reception#
Among them, the photo in the last post was a certain one in which Fu Zichen took Li Shuangshuang to a reception last night and chatted with Li Shuangshuang with his head bowed. It looked very intimate.

Lin Ziyu just had a meal, turned on her mobile phone to browse Moments, and suddenly saw a former colleague post a popular screenshot of Fu Zichen's marriage, and her heart trembled.

Which guy exposed it?
They've done a pretty good job underground.

Scrolling down along the hot topic, I found a photo of Fu Zichen and Li Shuangshuang, their fair faces turned black.

Which blind guy posted the photo?

Li Shuangshuang also saw #太子陈疑着带妹|妻参起酒会#, and was amused.

All she knew was that she was not Mrs. Fu, but rubbing Lin Ziyu's spirit was good.

At this time, the dormitory group【Come on, pretend~】

Wang Yuan: [Shuangshuang, married? 】

In another po, there are photos of Li Shuangshuang and Fu Zichen chatting at the reception.

Zhang Xiaojuan: [Same question. #八句##八句#]

Wang Yuan: [Holy shit, it turned out to be Fu Zichen, awesome. 】

[I also want to marry such an awesome man. 】

Zhang Xiaojuan (echoing): [Yes, yes.Not to mention that his net worth is tens of billions, I am also willing to be a poor boy. #Nympho##Nympho#]

Li Shuangshuang had already read the group message, but she didn't reply immediately, but waited for Lin Ziyu to reply first.

She wanted to see what Lin Ziyu would do.

(End of this chapter)

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