Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 189 I'm Married

Chapter 189 I'm Married (3)

Lin Ziyu saw the group message, silently turned off her phone, went to change into a beautiful little dress, and then drew her eyebrows and lipstick.

Then, ask Xiaocui to take a beautiful photo of her.

Click Send Moments.

Copywriting: Happy Holidays.

Pictured: In a pretty light green dress, she sat on the balcony with a large bouquet of fiery roses and smiled sweetly.

Details: A pink dove egg on the ring finger of the left hand.

Settings: Visible to all.

Today is May NO.20, Confession Day, Yixiu Enai.

news page.

[Baby Ziyu, go to the dormitory group to watch Li Shuangshuang. 】

[I deliberately shabby her. #得意##得意#]

[No matter how blind Fu Zichen is, he won't look for a girl with a different haircut, right? What Chen Shao likes can be natural and beautiful.What kind of onion is Li Shuangshuang? 】

Lin Ziyu: "..."

Wang Yuan, why are you so witty?

Well done!

【Kite, let me tell you something...】

【That... I'm married. 】

Wang Yuan: [Fuck, fuck, when did you have a boyfriend? 】

[Fuck, why did you suddenly get married? 】

Because I was always forced to marry at home, Lin Ziyu thought helplessly.

He opened the bedside table, took out the little red book and took a picture and sent it to her.

[The above information is not all about P, ​​is it? 】Wang Yuan asked weakly.

Photo information:

Holder: Lin Ziyu

Name: Lin Ziyu
Name: Fu Zichen
Registration date: June 2018, 4.

【What do you think? ] Lin Ziyu asked with a smile.

【Ahhh, I must be dreaming~~】

[Damn girl, why did you suddenly marry Fu Zichen? 】

【Fu Zichen's man is too fiddly and unreliable. 】

[... Or do you have to marry because you have it? 】

[You bloody girl, I chose public electives before and asked you to grab sex education together, but you didn't. 】

[How can you not take security measures?Hey, you damn girl! ! 】

[I really want to strangle you! ! ! ! 】

As soon as Lin Ziyu said a word, Wang Yuan crackled and said a big push, and Lin Ziyu's face twitched.

Weakly emphasize a few key points.

【That... I'm not pregnant. 】

[We've known each other for almost 20 years, but I still don't know what kind of person Fu Zichen is.The matter of obtaining the certificate was indeed sudden, but I had carefully considered it. 】

[I've also seen the photo of Li Shuangshuang and him on Weibo. Li Shuangshuang is his assistant, and someone secretly photographed him at the reception last night.I believe him. 】

[Really pregnant? 】Wang Yuan asked again.

[I only came to my aunt two days ago... How could I be pregnant. #把脸##把脸#]

Speaking of this, Wang Yuan suddenly remembered something...

[Fu Zichen was photographed buying someone's aunt's towel for you? 】

【correct. 】Just came back from a business trip and went out to buy for her without taking a break.

【Hahaha, that Fu Zichen has the potential to be a wife slave.Be optimistic about you and cultivate him well. 】

Lin Ziyu: "..."

Student Wang Yuan, your attitude has changed too quickly.
In just a few minutes of chatting with Wang Yuan, Lin Ziyu's circle of friends exploded, with nearly a hundred comments.

Classmates and colleagues sent blessings one after another.

And Jiang Li, of course, saw it, and there was only bitterness in his heart.

Last night at the Century Hotel, after chatting with friends for a while, he went to open a private room and ordered a lot of delicious food for her to eat when she came back.

At that time, he sent her a message, but she didn't reply.He called her again, five times in a row, but she didn't answer any of them.

He panicked.

There are gentle and elegant gentlemen attending the reception, and naturally there are old hooligans who are well-dressed and beastly.

She is young and beautiful, and she is not wearing a dress, so she is most likely to be molested by those old hooligans.

(End of this chapter)

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