Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 194 What a big pit

Chapter 194 What a big pit
"Let's go back and rest, wife."

Lin Ziyu was tired from jumping, so she nestled in Fu Zichen's arms to keep warm and watched the night scene, and warmed each other quietly for a while. Fu Ziyu felt that they could do something else, so he rubbed his chin against her neck, his voice was extremely sexy|sensual .

Hearing this, the corners of Lin Ziyu's slightly raised lips suddenly collapsed.

It's only past eight o'clock...

long night...

Was he trying to squeeze her dry?Or do you want to squeeze him dry?
He laughed a few times dryly, "Hehe, about we go to other places? It's still early, it's still early."

"Go out to play tomorrow, get up early, let's go to bed early."

go out to play?

Lin Ziyu's eyes turned slightly, and she turned to look at him, her eyes were bright, and her little paws were tugging at his sleeves.

Not because she was excited to go out and play, but... She thought of the idea of ​​being less squeezed.

The voice couldn't hide the excitement: "Let's go to the supermarket to buy snacks? Let's do it tomorrow morning, oh no, I won't be able to get up. Let's prepare in advance tonight."

A few days ago, he said that he would take Fu Zijin to play, and the time was set for tomorrow.

Fu Zichen: "..."

He dug himself a hole.

"Go, husband~" Seeing him hesitate, Lin Ziyu bumped his elbow with her small arm, and winked at him for a while, really playful.

He lowered his voice to confuse him: "I bought it tonight, so we can get up late tomorrow morning~~ I want to bring my own snacks and fruits. Anything from the villa is very expensive."

It can save money and delay time, perfect~
The person who invisibly dug a huge hole for himself didn't want to go to any supermarket, he just wanted to take her to a certain hotel for a romantic night, but he couldn't resist her coquettish behavior, so he went anyway.

Moreover, she went to the supermarket she named to go to, near Kunhua, about ten kilometers away from Rose Lake.

Before going, snacks are secondary, procrastination is real.

But when she arrived, Lin Ziyu concentrated on choosing snacks, and ordered someone to help her by the way.

"Husband, take the spicy flavor from the top row." Lin Ziyu smiled and pointed to the top row of potato chips, looking back expectantly at the tall man behind her.

There are four advantages of bringing your husband to the supermarket. [-]. He pushes the shopping cart; [-]. He helps with things that are out of reach;

She could have come empty-handed and gone empty-handed.

"It's too spicy, change to another flavor." Fu Zichen glanced up, replied lightly, and was about to leave with the shopping cart.

"Well~ No, husband, your wife likes this smell."

Then, Fu Zichen silently pushed the shopping cart back.

"Take two packs."

"One pack will do."

"Two packs!"


"Mom." Stumbling around, Lin Ziyu suddenly heard a milky voice coming from the front, and looked curiously, and saw a little baby with two tangles sitting in a shopping cart." babbling," pointing to the brightly colored snacks packaged on the shelf.

She knew the man pushing the shopping cart.

" this your baby?" Lin Ziyu was surprised.

The child's mother is named Qin Yuwei, one year older than her, Lu Yicheng's direct junior, and she used to live in the same dormitory with her.

So the child turned out to be hers?
In the past, she was always hugged by her roommate, and she thought it was her child.

Crepe's full name is Crepe Wenwen, and she lives in a staff dormitory with Qin Yuwei.

Have to admit, the world is really small.

Qin Yuwei froze, and turned around with an embarrassed smile: "Yes."

Then, the whole person stayed in place, and a thought flashed through his mind, he he he...they are a couple?

"My husband." Lin Ziyu smiled and pointed to the man beside him.

Qin Yuwei: "!!!"

This world is really fantastic! !

(End of this chapter)

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