Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 195 Did You Do It On Purpose?

Chapter 195 Did You Do It On Purpose? (1)

"Crane, I went to the supermarket with Niannian today, who do you think we met?" As soon as he came back from the supermarket, Qin Yuwei couldn't wait to share the big news with Chen Wenwen.

"Your ex-boyfriend?" Li Wenwen ate fruit cross-legged on the sofa, already in a state of giving up on herself.

"Uh, no. It's because I met the person you miss."

"Who do I miss? Fu Zichen? Tsk, I have already kicked him out of my heart." Li Wenwen shrugged indifferently.

The matter with Fu Zichen was the only thing she was hot on, and now she saw it clearly.

"Madam President, you don't want her to give you back a boyfriend. I met her today."

"What? Did the wealthy wife go out for a walk? Is she big belly, pretty, and in good shape? Does she match Fu Zichen?"

Qin Yuwei: "..."

What about kicking people out of your heart?
She coughed dryly and cleared her throat, "To be honest, she is very beautiful, even more beautiful than Xiaohuadan under Kunhua, a natural beauty with zero plastic surgery. Well, I think she may have some vision problems, so she fell in love with Fu Zichen, Obviously she can have a better choice."

She often met Lin Ziyu and Lu Yicheng together in school before, she thought they were a couple.

Fairy face value with fairy face value, it can be called perfect.

Uh, Fu Zichen is also a god-like beauty, but he can change women faster than he can change clothes, and he can't compare with Lu Yicheng's clean and self-sufficient boys.

"I don't have a picture to say a ****!" Cranium Wenwen snorted.

My heart slanders, shit, she's even more beautiful than Kunhua's little Huadan, are you sure that's not a little fairy?
"You've seen that person before. Back then you praised him so beautifully that it was unreal." Qin Yuwei reminded her.

Crepe Wenwen frowned, has she ever praised someone so untruly?

"I'm old, I don't remember." She turned on the black mode without hesitation.

Qin Yuwei: "..."

Don't have too much hope for Wenwen's memory!

Put Xiao Niannian on the sofa, took out her mobile phone to find Lin Ziyu's Moments, and showed Crane Wenwen the photo that Lin Ziyu just posted in Moments at noon today.

"Ahhhhh, it turned out to be her, why can't she think about it so much! Ahhhhh, I don't want it, I don't want to know this news." Crepe Wenwen covered her eyes and didn't look at the photo, refusing to know that Fu Zichen had married someone else .

However, within a few days, he went to squat Lin Ziyu near Fu Zichen's office every now and then, asking Lin Ziyu to return her a boyfriend.

This afternoon, Fu Zichen posted her marriage certificate, but Lin Ziyu didn't know about it. Except for her gender, the first eight digits of her ID card, and the last word "Yu", everything else was coded.

Yu, Lin Ziyu's Yu, the information matches.

However, netizens in the comment area brushed——

Zhou, Jin, Yu.

At this time, the two people who had already bought a lot of things were talking and laughing in line to check out, completely unaware that Wenwen had changed targets.

Passing by the shelf behind the cashier, Fu Zichen took a few small boxes and put them in the shopping cart.

Lin Ziyu saw Xia Fei's cheeks immediately.

Said to him very quietly: "There are still many at home."

He bought a lot before his business trip, and these few days are a safe period, so he won't need it at all.

"I'll use it in a few days." Fu Zichen's face was serious.

Lin Ziyu: "..."

Can he not buy this kind of thing in the supermarket?

Is it sold online?

Once you pack it up, who knows what you're buying.

Really are……

(End of this chapter)

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