Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 555 hand in hand

Chapter 555 hand in hand

Almost everyone in the neighborhood knew Ah Zhen, and heard that he was a single father, and that Li Lixiang and him...

It seems to have the meaning of reorganizing the family.

This was the first time I saw him shopping with a beautiful woman holding hands, his eyes widened with each other.

I thought to myself, maybe Li Lixiang and Ah Zhen couldn't make it.

It was the first time for Fu Zijin and Ah Zhen to hold hands in public. Their faces were slightly hot, and their hearts were beating thumpingly.

Fu Zijin looked down at the ground, and carefully pulled his hand out of Ah Zhen's palm.

The palm of her hand was empty, and Ah Zhen quietly searched for it again, covering the back of her hand with her hot hand, and then slowly tightened her five fingers.

Suspicious redness appeared on his dark face, his Adam's apple rolled, and his voice was a little nervous, "Xiaoyou said, we will hold each other..."

Fu Zijin's pale face turned even redder, and he could clearly feel the warmth of his palm on the back of his hand.

Nodding his head, "Yeah."

When they were young, they often strolled in the garden, he told her how to arrange flowers and plants, and she told him interesting things in school.

Sometimes the two of them bowed their heads in silence, and the only sound was the sound of each other's footsteps, which was very quiet and reassuring.

At that time, after not seeing the other party for a long time, they would turn their heads to look at each other, look at each other, and smile knowingly.

At this moment, it seems to be back to that time again, but it doesn't seem like it.

At that time, she was the eldest lady of the Fu family, well-clothed and well-fed, who was loved by thousands of people.

And he, a gardener's apprentice, ran up and down, running around.

Most of the time the two are just in a hurry.

Now, the little gardener apprentice has become the big boss, and the Miss Fu family is no longer the Miss Fu family.

But in his heart, she was still her, the one he liked silently, the one who broke the rules time and time again despite knowing that he wanted to keep a distance from her.

"Zijin..." Ah Zhen suddenly called her name softly.


"I am very happy at this moment."

"En." Fu Zijin nodded, paused, and added in a low voice, "Me too."

She is also very happy.

Apart from having vague feelings for each other, the two have never really fallen in love. At this moment, they are like those young girls who are just beginning to love each other, jumping for joy at each other's words and deeds.

"This is the No. [-] gate of the community. Xiaoyou and I usually go through this gate. If you buy vegetables, you have to go through the No. [-] gate, and when you go to the supermarket, you have to go through the No. [-] gate."

Passing by the gate of the community, Ah Zhen pointed and explained to Fu Zijin.

"Which building do you live in?" Fu Zijin looked up curiously.

"Then, five buildings, five zero two." Ah Zhen pointed to a certain building in the northwest direction.


"Can I go and have a look?" Fu Zijin asked.

She hasn't seen his and Xiaoyou's place yet.

Ah Zhen was slightly taken aback, thought for a while, and then nodded.

Ah Zhen and Xiao You live in a two-bedroom suite. Although the house is small, it has all internal organs. A pot of platycodon is placed next to the TV in the living room and it is in full bloom.

Bellflower was his birthday gift to her, and it was also a token of love between the two.

Fu Zijin reached out to touch the pink petals, and the corners of her lips were gently outlined.

miss, meet...

meet, get to know each other...

Know each other and stay together.

What a long process this is.

Just like her and him.

We have known each other for more than ten years, and we have been separated for more than ten years.

Before, she never thought that she would be with Ah Zhen in the future.

Because of identity.

Her best destination is not love, but marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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