Chapter 556

Treat a person with the same ID card as a guest.

Nothing to do with love.

But after having Xiaoyou, her thoughts are slowly changing, and she should pursue and fight for it.

No matter what the outcome will be.

"Azhen..." Fu Zijin looked back at the person standing silently behind her.


"Thank you."

Thank you for your silent dedication and silent waiting.

"Thank you for what?" Ah Zhen smiled in the corner of her eyes, covered her hand with her big palm, and stared at her affectionately, "There is no need to say thank you between us."

Fu Zijin's eyes bent, "Then I will bury it in my heart and not talk about it."

"Mine is also in my heart, don't say it." Ah Zhen took her hand and placed it where his heart was.

He has always liked her very much, very much.

I like the way she reads quietly, the way she nods and smiles, and the way she calls his name...

Many, many, I like it very much.

Leaning closer to her slowly.

Fu Zijin could probably guess what he was going to do, his heart was raised, and his hands were nervously grabbing the hem of the skirt.

Mo, his lips softened, and his hand slowly let go...

The kiss was 12 and a half years apart.

It was just scratching the surface, their faces were so red that they were about to bleed, they were still holding hands, but they didn't dare to look at each other.

It looks like an awkward child, but it doesn't look like it.

When the two returned to the store, Lin Ziyu and Xiaoyou were playing checkers. Xiaoyou's face was full of smiles, but Lin Ziyu's face was serious because she was about to lose...

It's okay to be abused by Fu Zichen, but I didn't expect to be abused by Xiaoyou today, Lin Ziyu was crying in her heart, and when she returned home, she happily went to play with Xiaocui.

Xiaocui is also a rookie in this area, losing ten games in a row and slipping faster than anyone else.

"Ma'am, I...I'll squeeze juice for you."

Before Lin Ziyu could say anything, he ran away.

How can someone who has a losing streak stick to the gambling table without moving his feet?
If you should withdraw, just withdraw!
"It seems that I'm not that stupid, Xiaoyou must be too smart." Lin Ziyu twisted the beads and quickly came to a conclusion.

After fighting Fu Zichen, I began to doubt life again...

Because Fu Zichen had never played checkers before, she even carefully explained the rules to him in the first game.

Hmm... In the second game, I was abused in various ways.

After playing for a long time, I started to slump on the sofa, "I don't play anymore, I don't play anymore, if I play again, my losing streak will be refreshed..."

"Then you can refresh it by the way." Fu Zichen answered the words lightly, with a wicked smile on his lips.

"No!! I'm a person with a bottom line!" Lin Ziyu stared at him with half-closed eyes.

"The existence of the bottom line is to be broken. How can we innovate if we don't break it?"

"I don't want to innovate!"

Is it worth breaking a record like a fiasco?

"Then you can continue to salt fish." Fu Zichen held the beads in both hands, and fought against himself.

Lin Ziyu glared at him again, rolled her eyes, and looked at him playfully, "You are my husband, and I am a salted fish, so what are you?"

Fu Zichen: "Salted fish is her husband."


"Do you not want a wife anymore?" Lin Ziyu kicked him unhappily, and his feet were already grasped by his eyes and hands.

Looking into her eyes faintly, "Come here, I will teach you. Although it is difficult to defeat me, at least you will not be completely abused when you play with others in the future."

Lin Ziyu hesitated, "Aren't you a pure newbie?"

It's only half a day of playing and it's time to teach. What kind of abnormal learning speed is this?

(End of this chapter)

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