Chapter 557

"Yes." Fu Zichen clicked his chin, and Ruye's eyes were full of confidence, "But I will be able to read it once, and I have summed up the method. Are you sure you don't want to learn?"

It will be done once, and after summing up the method, Lin Ziyu's eyes are staring round, why are people so angry when they compare themselves to others?
Having said that, in the next second, he paced over like a dog, hugging Fu Zichen's arm flatteringly.

"Husband, please bring me."

The ancients did not deceive me, using Fu Zichen's method, Lin Ziyu killed all directions, and defeated Xiaoyou in a few strokes.

"Little aunt, your progress is so fast——"

After consecutive defeats, Xiaoyou looked at her with admiration.

"That's right, your little aunt is amazing." Lin Ziyu couldn't stop screaming.

Her husband is a man of gods, with the method he taught, it will not be a problem to pass five stages and cut six all the way.

Later, Lin Ziyu and Xiaoyou played checkers together from time to time, and visited the store by the way. As for Fu Zijin and Ah Zhen, they went on a date.

"Husband, I heard that you got the first place in the city in the high school entrance examination..."

One night, Lin Ziyu nestled in Fu Zichen's arms and sat on the balcony blowing the wind. Accompanied by the breeze, her voice was soft and soft.


"You said that we will have children in the future, will the children be as smart as you?"

Then does she have a primary school bully baby?

It's still far from genius though.

Fu Zichen touched her head, "Half probability."

"What about the other half?"

"like you."

"That's right... Parents and mothers have half and half inheritance. However, it's okay to be the same as me, at least not the end of the crane."

Although her IQ is not as good as his, she was admitted to a double first-class university like K University, which is actually quite good.

She hugged his neck with both hands, and whispered her wish, "IQ like you, character like me is the most perfect."

As bored as he is, how can I find a partner in the future?
"What's wrong with my personality?" Fu Zichen asked dissatisfiedly.

"Uh...there's a big problem. I can't flirt with girls..."

If he wasn't good-looking, who would talk to him?


"Do you know how to flirt with boys?" Fu Zichen asked indifferently, and hit the heart with his words.

"No." Lin Ziyu shook her head.

Although she wrote a chasing article, she really doesn't know how to chase people...

Because there is never a shortage of suitors around her, and she doesn't need to chase them.

"Then our child will definitely not... If he can, it means that he has mutated."

The corners of Lin Ziyu's lips twitched fiercely, "Isn't your conclusion too arbitrary? What if he learned from childhood without a teacher?"

"This kind of person is self-taught without a teacher, so there is no example to learn from."

Everyone's love is different, and the development is naturally different.

Lin Ziyu: "..."

He poked his resolute chin with his fingertips, looked up at him with a smile on his face, "Mum suddenly asked me this morning if we were planning to conceive, and I said yes, and now I still feel a little empty."

"What's wrong?" Fu Zichen raised his brows with great interest, "We just need to start preparing today."

"The script is not finished yet..."

How can I have time to have children when I'm so busy.

"We're not in a hurry." Fu Zichen rubbed her cheek against her cheek, his voice was low and sexy, "Mom asked you, and you said that you were preparing for pregnancy, but when you asked, you piled on me, saying that I often travel on business and don't have time to be together."

After finishing speaking, he remembered that he would go on a long business trip in two days, so he wrapped his arms around her tightly, "You will come with me on a business trip in two days."

"Mom just got out of the hospital...wouldn't it be nice for me to go out with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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