Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 582 Fading Away

Chapter 582 Fading Away (2)

Jiang Li: [Your husband. 】

Lin Ziyu twitched her eyebrows lightly, 【Ah?Why are you asking this all of a sudden. 】

Although he is Zhou Jinyu's cousin, it doesn't affect her playing with him.

Jiang Li was taken aback by her rhetorical question, wondering if she didn't know?
He was also present when Zhou Jinyu and Fu Sijun had dinner together two days ago. Zhou Jinyu ate Ah Chen on the left and what happened to A Chen on the right. He felt a little disgusted.

It was true that Zhou Jinyu called Fu Zichen that way in the past, but today is different, there are some things that should be paid attention to.

Fu Sijun probably didn't know that he and Lin Ziyu had a good relationship, and they said everything they should and shouldn't say at the dinner table.

"That woman still flirts with other men after marriage. If I were my little uncle, I would have filed for divorce from her long ago."

Fu Sijun eats elegantly, but speaks like an ignorant market woman who loves pointing and pointing.

"Oh, she is a school belle after all, and she has plenty of capital, so it doesn't matter if she gets married or not." Zhou Jinyu echoed casually, her tone extremely sour.

"Tch, Xiaohua, who knows if she has already had a pillow for thousands of people, and went to the hospital to make up for it before she married my little uncle."

They also read what Wang Yuan said on Weibo for Lin Ziyu, and thought it was impossible. How many people haven't tried it before marriage?
The voice of the two of them talking was not particularly loud, but Jiang Li heard everything, and his brows were so frown that he could pinch a mosquito to death.

"Xiaoyu, since they don't have children yet, should they fight or fight? Could it be that you have to wait until they have children and can't be separated before doing it? Do you want to be someone's stepmother?" Fu Sijun persuaded Zhou Jinyu earnestly, Jiang My eyes jumped from hearing it.

I thought about how these two women could talk about anything.

What's even more funny was that Zhou Jinyu came to their house for dinner yesterday, and she actually talked to him as if giving alms.

"You like Lin Ziyu, right?"

"She belongs to you, Fu Zichen belongs to me."

At that moment, Jiang Li really had the feeling of hearing a huge joke, he was out of breath from laughing, or full of ridicule.

The tone was slightly cold, "They are not things, there is no such thing as returning or not."

A pair of twinkling peach blossom eyes looked at Zhou Jinyu coldly, "Besides, you have no right to say such things.

It's true that I like Lin Ziyu, but I won't intervene in her and Fu Zichen selfishly.

When she is happy, I am happy for her. When she is unhappy, I will comfort her as a friend instead of trying to have something happen with her.

If one day she and Fu Zichen really come to an end and she divorces, I will respect her choice.

As for whether you will pursue her, you have no right to participate. "

Just admitting that he likes Lin Ziyu, Zhou Jinyu snorted coldly, and took a deep look at Jiang Li, "That's your way, and you have no right to interfere with mine."

"Oh? What you're doing is shamelessly intervening in other people's marriages? My good sister." Jiang Li's voice became a little colder.

However, Zhou Jinyu acted as if he was reasoning, "Intervene? How can it be considered an intervention? Fu Zichen and I dated first, and she came after me. If she intervened, she would be the one who intervened."

No matter what Jiang Li heard, she felt that her logic was flawed, "It is true that you came first, but when they were together, you broke up long ago.

Now your pursuit of so-called happiness is the real intervention. "

 La la la ~ Today is Children's Day, I wish all the little fairies grow longer and more immortal, and have more money.

  Good night, see you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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