Chapter 583
"Is it wrong for me to pursue my own happiness?" Zhou Jinyu snorted coldly.

Ever since she knew that Lin Ziyu and Fu Zichen hadn't dated and got the certificate, she got into a dead end.

He felt that Fu Zichen still had a little affection for her, as long as she showed that she wanted to reconcile with Fu Zichen, Fu Zichen would still leave Lin Ziyu and come back to her.

Jiang Li knew for the first time that her brain circuit was so magical, and his tone was unprecedentedly serious, "There is nothing wrong with pursuing happiness, but happiness at the expense of other people's marriage is not worth it."

I really didn't want to have too many conversations with Zhou Jinyu, so I turned around and left indifferently, and said softly, "I don't know where you got the confidence to think that you and him are still possible."

But after thinking about it, I couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

Zhou Jinyu seems to have something very important to Fu Zichen in her hand, she may use this as a medium to get in touch with Fu Zichen again...

I am also worried that Lin Ziyu and Fu Zichen will be separated because of this.

After much deliberation, he returned to Lin Ziyu ambiguously.

[If you encounter something in the future, don't draw conclusions first, talk to him carefully. 】

Lin Ziyu felt that his words were inexplicable, and replied half-jokingly: [Pfft, little brother.Do I look worse than him?Why don't you worry about him bullying me, but worry about me wronging him? 】

Jiang Li: "..."

【You have a better temper than him. 】

In the past, Fu Zichen and Zhou Jinyu were in frequent contact. Although he admired Fu Zichen for running Kunhua into a first-class group at a young age, he really didn't like Fu Zichen's temper.

Too strong, too domineering.

Lin Ziyu was with him, it was obvious that Lin Ziyu let him.

Well, the truth is actually...

Fu Zichen gave way to Lin Ziyu everywhere.

【Hahaha, don't tell him that in front of him, or he might beat you up. #呲牙#] Lin Ziyu replied with a smile.

In fact, after getting along a lot, she found that Fu Zichen was not as cold and unreasonable as she imagined, and most of the time he was quite easy to talk to, as long as he didn't care about his bottom line.


At this time, the mansion in the north of the city.

Fu Zidong just went to the kindergarten to pick up Fu Sichen's kid back. He held his little hand in one hand and his small Spider-Man schoolbag in the other.

"Fu Sichen, can you walk well?" Fu Zidong frowned, his voice sonorous and forceful.

Fu Sichen had a good time at school today, when Fu Zidong came out one o'clock, he deliberately shook his head and walked with his arms open, so cute that he looked like a little mentally handicapped, which made Fu Zidong helpless.

Forget it, who made him his little baby.

As soon as the fetus entered the fourth month, Wen Ruyun began to be able to eat and sleep again, and her energy was completely different from that when she was pregnant with Fu Sichen. She was only a few days and a month old, and she was very round.

Hearing the voices of his father and son, he stood up from the sofa in the living room, holding a half-eaten fruit plate in his hand.


Before Fu Sichen's people arrived, the voice of crying had already entered the room.

"Hey~ Sichen is back~" Wen Ruyun walked out while eating, feeling like he had a watermelon in his stomach.

"Brother, brother is back~" Fu Sichen waved his chubby hand towards Wen Ruyun's stomach.

"Welcome back brother." Wen Ruyun gently touched her swollen belly.

In the last prenatal checkup, she used a routine doctor, and the routine revealed her gender.

"Doctor, it's not far from the due date. I'm going to prepare a cute dress for the baby. Do you think it's suitable?"

During the examination, she asked the doctor's opinion casually.

(End of this chapter)

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