Chapter 773

"No." Tang Jinrong shook his head without a trace of hesitation, his lips curled up slightly, and he smiled wickedly, "Brother just let you experience in advance what it's like to stay at home after graduation."

That's right, the questions he asked Tang Yiyi were all what he had experienced in the past two or three years after graduation.

That is called a miserable state.

It's not that he doesn't want to get out of the order, the problem is that there must be someone who catches his eye!
"Get out!" Tang Yiyi scolded with staring eyes.

Really, on the first day home after graduation, he made people unhappy.

Although Fu Siqi lowered his head and Tang Xuxiao was busy tinkering with the company's newly launched app, but his brother and sister listened to every word.

Suddenly raised his head and looked at Tang Jinrong with a smile, "Jinrong, our company has a new intern assistant who is very cute, do you want to meet him?"

Suddenly being taken care of, Tang Jinrong was so frightened that staring emojis came out, and waved his hand in panic to refuse: "No, no, I'm in love with fate."

"It's really cute. It doesn't have to be a boyfriend and girlfriend, but it's okay to meet a new friend."

She must have been infected by Lin Ziyu, she likes to mess with mandarin ducks when she is bored.

Tang Jinrong still shook his head again and again, and then his own mother's knife eye flew over.

"You don't want my sister-in-law to hook you up? Do you want to be a bachelor for the rest of your life?"

"That's right, do you want to continue being single?" Tang Yiyi agreed as soon as he got the chance.

Tang Jinrong: "..."

He was wrong, okay?

He was the one who was cheap just now.

Offending a woman usually ends badly, and Tang Jinrong has already seen how miserable his future is.

Tang Yiyi was not in a hurry to report to the company when she returned to City B. The contract she signed during her internship was to report on July [-]th, and there is still more than a month left.

Moreover, she came back this time only after defending her dissertation, and she had to wait until July [-]st to return to school to collect her graduation certificate.

When I got home, I slept well for three days to make up for the hardships of catching up on the thesis, and then I started to call friends and go out for a walk.

Sometimes he would call Fu Siqi, but Fu Siqi was a month old and had to be busy in the company every day, so he couldn't spare much time to play with her.

So, she had to go out to play alone.

One day, I ran into Lin Ziyu and Fu Zichen on the street.

The reason why Lin Ziyu went out for a stroll was because her clothes didn't fit again...

Whether it is underwear or outerwear.

I'm not sure what size I should wear now, so I didn't dare to choose online rashly, so I just came to the physical store.

"Wow, long time no see little uncle and little aunt." Seeing Lin Ziyu and Fu Zichen from a distance, Tang Yiyi waved to him and his wife excitedly.

She heard that Lin Ziyu was pregnant with twins, and she was envious of her strength.

She also wants to have twins, and it will be cool to take them out for a walk in the future.

Lin Ziyu and Fu Zichen held hands and talked without noticing Tang Yiyi who was not far away. He vaguely heard someone calling them, so he raised his head and followed the prestige.

The couple moved in unison and had a tacit understanding.

"Hi, Yiyi." With a distance of seven or eight meters, Lin Ziyu raised his hand and waved it to Tang Yiyi with a smile.

Tang Yiyi has come back, she saw it in the circle of friends, and she also sighed why their school closed so early.

When she graduated, she went through all the formalities before returning.

"Long time no see, let's drink together some other day..." I wanted to say drink, but seeing Lin Ziyu's big belly, the word wine swirled in his mouth, and he swallowed it again, changing it to "milk tea."

(End of this chapter)

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