Chapter 774

"She can't drink milk tea." Before Lin Ziyu could say anything, Fu Zichen had already answered.

Although the probability of Tang Yiyi and Lin Ziyu getting together is very small, I have to mention...

What if the two of them really want to drink milk tea.

" can't drink milk tea, so just drink what my aunt can drink." Tang Yiyi scratched her hair in a little embarrassment.

Facts have proved that Fu Zichen's vaccination was correct.

Two days later, Tang Yiyi really asked Lin Ziyu out for a cold drink, and Lin Ziyu went there when she had nothing to do.

Of course, the reason why she went there was not just because she was bored, but because she hadn't eaten in that store for a long time, and she suddenly felt a little craving.

The location of Tang Yiyi's appointment is Tangli.

Since the day of Fu Siqi's wedding, Lin Ziyu has not seen Jiang Li for more than half a year, and the greetings have also stayed in the interaction of the circle of friends.

I suddenly saw him again today, and felt that he was thinner, darker, and more manly.

"Long time no see, little brother." Lin Ziyu greeted him with a smile, her round face looked very pleasing.

"Long time no see." Jiang Li nodded with a smile, his eyes swept over her bulging belly, but quickly moved away, but in an instant, his expression returned to normal, like a dedicated waiter: "Both What do you want to drink?"

"A cup of passion fruit honey tea, off the ice." On the way here, Lin Ziyu had already seen their menu on the Internet, and he liked their passion fruit honey tea at a glance.

"Okay, a cup of passion fruit honey tea, remove the ice." Jiang Li told the orderer at the front desk, and turned his gaze to Tang Yiyi who was beside Lin Ziyu, "What about you? What are you drinking?"

"A cup of mango green tea, less ice and less sugar." Tang Yiyi grinned and replied, her eyes drifted, and she didn't dare to look at Jiang Li.

Jiang Li's twinkling peach blossom eyes, as long as his eyes are looking at you, there will be a feeling of being teased, and his little heart will be pounding.

Moreover, he is sunny and handsome, he is simply the dream lover in the hearts of little girls.

After ordering drinks, Lin Ziyu and Tang Yiyi found a place to sit and ordered some snacks.

And Jiang Li sat on the side chatting with them, more precisely, it should be chatting with Lin Ziyu.

"When is the due date?"

Seeing that her belly was so big that he was surprised, Jiang Li asked.

"The end of July."

"That's coming soon." He suddenly smiled.

In the blink of an eye, she and Fu Zichen had also been married for a year, time flies so fast.

At this time last year, he was waiting for her to order food at the store tomorrow at noon, and then, pretending to be a delivery boy, he delivered it to her.

In fact, sometimes he couldn't help thinking, if he could have confessed to her bravely at that time, it would have been a bit abrupt, but would the result be different?
Is it very possible that he is the one who is going to be the father now?

However, there are no ifs and possibilities in this world.

If there is, if the choice is not good, just start over. If you don't have so many regrets, you won't cherish it.

"Yeah, there are still two more months left to unload the goods, and the merits and virtues are consummated~" Lin Ziyu's eyes were bent, and he smiled heartlessly, but there was a strange sense of beauty.

"That's pretty fast." Jiang Li smiled slightly, his eyes flicked across Lin Ziyu's face quickly.

After pregnancy, she gained a lot of weight, and her small face, which was once the size of a palm, was round, but the miracle is that her face has no spots at all, and it is white and round, very cute.

Fearing that his fixed gaze would reveal his emotions, Jiang Li quietly averted his gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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