Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 107 His Xiaoya is So Beautiful 【06】

Chapter 107 His Xiaoya is So Beautiful 【06】

Huo Ran, it made her tremble slightly, and she had goosebumps all over her body.

This guy's charm should not be underestimated, it's too enchanting.

Unable to bear it, she flinched for a moment, with a brisk smile on her face: "Okay, let's try it tonight."

His eyes suddenly lit up, his thin lips were raised, and he was smiling.

The girl's sly eyes flickered, and her whole face was full of spirits: "After you choke on the fishbone, maybe I will give it a try."

His body moved, getting closer to her arm, with a voice like a dream: "Wrong, you choked, let me try."

"Are you willing to let me choke on a fish bone?" She raised her eyebrows provocatively.

"Honey, don't worry, I promise I will kiss you in a mess, so I will hand over the fishbone obediently, and I will never remember that you choked on the fishbone afterwards."

His words became softer and softer, and before he finished, his lips were already on her earlobe.

The teasing of a master in love is skillful and fiery, just a few indifferent sentences, an ordinary little gesture.

There is such a lethal force in what he does.

The warm and humid touch ignited her body like a prairie fire.

Her body warmed up, she took a step back uneasily, and warned: "Don't make trouble, I still have to cook."

"There's nothing to do with rice, why don't we do other things."



His lips were pressed down, and when he saw that he was about to kiss her, the girl suddenly turned her bright eyes, and turned around to avoid her vigorously.

She smiled slyly, and pointed at him with a shovel: "Either you go out obediently and wait to eat, or you cook the next dishes."

The third young master Nie doesn't touch Yang Chun's hands with ten fingers, so asking him to cook is nothing short of idiotic nonsense.

In his opinion, such a job as cooking is too insulting to his "delicate hand" in helping the dying.

Helpless, under both hard and soft tactics, he couldn't get any good results, so he had to retreat.

The charming and handsome smiling face smiled innocently, raised his hands in surrender, and exited the kitchen step by step.

After confirming that the dangerous people had completely evacuated, Lu Xiya breathed a sigh of relief, turned on the fire, picked up the ribs and corn and poured them into the pot.

Stir-fry for a while, the aroma is overflowing, add some water, cover the pot and bake.


She was busy in the kitchen, while Nie Jiajun was sitting in the living room bored, his eyes naturally fixed on the computer screen.

I saw Xiaoya Beast in Wanshou Villa, besides all kinds of spirit beasts, there was that follower beside her.

The dialog box is full of messages from the other party.

The beautiful boy who finds fault: [MM, be my girlfriend, I will take you to fight monsters and upgrade. 】.
Finding fault with the handsome man: [I can give you a lot of equipment, be my girlfriend. 】.
Finding fault with the pretty boy: [MM is so cool, I like it so much. 】.
Finding fault with the beautiful boy: [MM? MM?Respond, woo woo. 】.
Such a rascal talking nonsense, he actually swiped the entire screen.

Seeing that Nie Jiajun was upset, he replied: 【The famous flower already has a owner, don't follow me anymore. 】.
Soon, the other party sent another message.

The beautiful boy who finds fault: [Woooo, I'm so touched, Xiaoya is finally willing to talk to me. 】.
Nie Jiajun frowned.


Could it be that they knew each other?

Little Ya Beast: 【How do you know my name? 】.
The beautiful boy who finds fault: [What?So your name is really Xiaoya?Hehe, the name Xiaoya sounds really nice, it must be a beautiful girl, Xiaoya Xiaoya, the lovely girl Xiaoya. 】.
Nie Jiajun was dripping with sweat, feeling that he was more stupid than ever before.

(End of this chapter)

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