Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 108 Love is also for those who beat, and those who love are violently beaten [01]

Chapter 108 Love is also for those who beat, and those who love are violently beaten [01]

Presumably the other party saw Xiao Ya's name and guessed randomly, but he foolishly refused to admit it.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he stared at the follower on the screen with hatred.

The beautiful boy who finds fault: [Xiaoya Xiaoya, be my girlfriend, I will love you very much. 】.
When it's over, blow a kiss over.

Nie Jiajun moved his fingers up and down, commanding Xiaoya Beast, and without a word, beat the handsome boy who found fault.

Unexpectedly, the beautiful man who found fault did not fight back.

Finding fault with the beautiful man: [Beauty, those who hit her love it, and those who love it beat them violently. 】.
The beautiful boy who finds fault: [So you love me so much, woo woo. 】.
The beautiful boy who finds fault: 【I'm dead.... 】.
So Xiao Ya Beast beat the handsome boy of level [-] to death at level [-].

After being revived on the spot, the beautiful boy who found fault, lay on the ground and pretended to be dead, refusing to get up.

The beautiful boy who finds fault: [Xiaoya MM, I find that I love you more and more. 】.
Little Ya Beast: [Crazy! 】.
Then there was another violent beating, blood flowed into rivers, and the scene was horrible.

"What are you doing?" Lucia's voice came from behind.

Nie Jiajun was inexplicably guilty, raised his hand and pressed the screen of the laptop, stood up: "It's okay..., have you eaten?"

"Yes, Eldest Young Master." She stared at him before opening her mouth: "Come over and help carry the bowls and chopsticks."

"Of order." He smiled and ran into the kitchen.

Pork rib soup without radish, steamed grass carp, stir-fried cabbage sum, and fried shiitake mushrooms with sliced ​​meat are all delicious.

Lu Xiya served him soup, and when she handed it over, she warned: "Be careful of it being hot."

"It's delicious." Holding the soup bowl in his hand, he carefully took a sip.

The soup had been simmering for a long time, and the heat was boiling. After he took a sip, he put it on the table and did not move.

Just as she was scooping up the soup, he helped carry another bowl, filled it up and placed it in front of her.

He took a small piece of fish meat and brought it to her mouth.

"You eat." She shook her head, not used to being fed by others.

"You eat first." He insisted childishly.

Helpless, she had no choice but to eat with his chopsticks.

The fish is juicy and juicy, and because it is just steamed, it is smooth and melts in the mouth.

"Is it delicious?" He looked at her.

"Well, if you don't have fish bones, you can eat them too."

The smile on his face faded, and he glared at her: "You heartless guy."

It was as if he was using her to test for fish bones.

However, he soon laughed again, picked up a piece of fish, put it in his mouth, tasted it and nodded: "The taste is really good, Xiaoya's cooking skills are superb, no one can match."

"Be nice." She rolled her eyes and whispered, "Jia Jun."

She had never called him by his Chinese name since we met, but when she suddenly called it out, the man at the opposite table was stunned.

This soft sound of Jiajun has a different emotion and tone, like a sudden storm on a calm lake.

Looking up at her, her beautiful eyes are full of confusion and doubts: "Huh?"

She called again: "Jiajun."

His eyes were soft: "What's the matter?"

She bit her chopsticks and looked at him shyly: "How about..."

She looks so cute.

"Not as good as what?" Why did he expect something?

The girl smiled: "Why don't you wash the dishes."

The man with a black face: "...."

"Jiajun Jiajun." It was another soft call.

The man didn't even bother to look at her: "Don't use the sound of calling ~ bed to tell me to wash the dishes."


(End of this chapter)

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