Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 19 Series Like Me 【03】

Chapter 19 Series Like Me 【03】

Then put it in a plate with beautiful patterns, bring it out and put it on the dining table, and then ran to open a glass of red wine.

The steak and red wine were all taken from the Xixiangfeng restaurant under the Nie family. The food there is famous for its expensive and delicious food, and not ordinary rich people can enter.

It entertains top wealthy businessmen, and they have to make a reservation to enjoy the VIP room.

Nie Jiajun ate well and used well in England, and Xixiangfeng almost arranged his meals after returning home.

One phone call and someone will come to your door.

After Lucia opened the red wine, she put it in a container for ventilation. After everything was done, she ran to the spiral staircase and looked up, but there was no movement.

He seems to be still taking a shower to cool off the fire.

Thinking of him gnashing his teeth and staring at her before rushing up to the second floor to take a shower, she felt amused again.

He was indeed a nice, nice man.

Respect women, be knowledgeable, don't force her, and would rather feel uncomfortable than bully her.

Such boys are rare in China.

On the contrary, there are a lot of people with arrogance and ego, who look better and think they are great.

Just like the cold Lan Yu, who kicked her in the head with a ball, didn't even apologize, arrogant and conceited, just glanced at her coldly.

Hmph, and let those second-generation ancestors of his bad friends scold her. These rich people are really incomparable to Nie Jiajun.

She sat at the table, looking at the candles that had just been replaced, and resentfully thought about what happened during the day.

Fu Mingxuan's people are not bad, he should be a good bird.

As for Fu Mingzhu, she should be similar to Han Sulin in high school, a proud peacock who looks down on others.

But the strangest thing was the headmaster—Melissa.

She didn't invite so many students, but invited the freshmen she just transferred to have a meal together, and the meal was cooked by herself.

Naturally, the dishes are expensive and delicious, and they are delicious, and they are still hot, as if they have just been prepared and placed there, just waiting for her to go and enjoy them.

During the meal, the principal kept picking up food for her, as enthusiastic as his own daughter.

Lu Xiya frowned, wondering if it was because of the Nie family?
The Fu family and the Nie family are family friends, and now she is going to study as the third girl friend of the Nie family and the eldest grandson's wife's best friend, so the principal came to curry favor with her?

is it possible?

She is a junior, and the principal is an elder, so if you want to curry favor with her, there is no need to cook by yourself.

A group of eccentric people made her not find the person she was looking for on the first day.

Oh, let's look for it tomorrow.


A fresh fragrance hit people, followed by a sneaky kiss on her bitter face.

Nie Jiajun went around, sat opposite her, slowly picked up the wine glass and poured red wine, and asked her, "What are you thinking so engrossed in?"

"Hee hee, isn't it the school?" She secretly observed his face, found that his depression disappeared, and he returned to his usual elegant demeanor, so she breathed a sigh of relief and asked him: "Klaus, are you familiar with Principal Mei? "

"That Principal Mei?" He looked at her blankly.

Lucia: "It's the Principal Mei of Melissa College."

Nie Jiajun: "I haven't seen it, but I heard from my brother, what's the matter? Did she make things difficult for you at school today?"

He pushed the wine glass containing Xiao Xu's red wine towards her, and poured himself another glass full of Xiao Xu.

He knew she would drink, but he didn't advocate her drinking too much.

After putting down his glass, he thought of the silent environment, which lacked a little bit of intoxicating atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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