Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 20 Series Like Me 【04】

Chapter 20 Series Like Me 【04】

So I went to look for the CD, and the music I chose was English songs, lyrical and romantic.

The voice is turned to the minimum, like singing a sweet love.

During the period, the two continued the conversation just now.

She said, "No, I'm just curious."

He said, "What do you want to ask? Ask my brother for you tomorrow."

"No need. I just happened to meet her today. It's nothing. It's rare to see such a big man in the future, so there's no need to ask."

She raised the wine glass and took a sip, the taste was mellow and smooth.

He thought for a while, then asked insincerely, "Did you meet anyone interesting at school today?"

"I know so many people, so many that I can't remember their names, hee hee. As for being interesting, it might not be very interesting."

From a poor family, she went to a noble school. In the eyes of the second generation ancestors, she might be the most interesting person.

"Are there any good-looking boys?" He asked emphatically.

She rolled her eyes and smiled mischievously: "Yes, there are many, too many to remember."

Nie Jiajun was slightly stunned, and then smiled: "Stop pretending to me, tell me, is there any handsome guy like me?"

"Smug!" She didn't answer, but instead asked, "Are you afraid that I'll run away with someone else?"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to escape." He raised his glass and clinked it lightly with her, and there was a clear and pleasant sound between the glasses.

"So confident?"

"Of course, where do you go to find an outstanding man like me?" He has always been very confident about his own advantages.

"Cut." She sneered.

She put down the wine glass and pushed the steak in front of him to him. He took it naturally, raised the knife and fork gracefully, and cut the steak into small pieces.

The two grew up in different environments and have different eating habits. He prefers western food, such as steak.

And she is used to eating with chopsticks. When eating steak, he helps her chop the steak. When eating Chinese food, she will serve him with vegetables.

The two people have a tacit understanding in terms of diet, help each other and love each other, and never force each other to accommodate themselves.

In other words, Nie Jiajun pampered her too much, so they got along very happily.

With her chin on her hands, she looked at the man in front of her. At the same age of 19, Nie Jiajun knew a lot more than she did.

Not to mention trivial matters such as cutting steaks, even operating on patients with a knife is a piece of cake for him.

For such a beautiful and excellent man, what kind of virtues did she accumulate in her previous life to have such a blessing in this life.

"Klaus, both the principal and the student council president asked me to stay on campus."

Nie Jiajun's movements paused, and soon resumed the elegant cutting movements, with such concentration and care, as if he was performing a large-scale operation.

Sometimes, she wonders if he holds a scalpel as elegantly as a Western-style knife and fork?
Slowly cut open the patient's stomach, then deal with the cause of the disease meticulously, and finally suture the wound methodically.

Maybe during the operation, Mozart's symphony will be played next to it.

Ugh, what a horrible scene.


Nie Jiajun said: "It's okay, let my brother explain to the principal tomorrow."

He and his second brother Nie Hong grew up in a foreign country, and their relationship in China is naturally not as extensive as that of his elder brother Nie Xichen. If there is something that needs to be cleared up, he is the first thing that comes to mind.

And my brother has never disappointed them. Here, Nie Xichen, the grandson of Nie's parents, is a pass, and everything is good for him.

(End of this chapter)

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