Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 29 Meeting a Thief 【07】

Chapter 29 Meeting a Thief 【07】

After doing all this, her reason returned, so she began to reflect.

After introspection, she took out the cash and comforted herself: "Okay, it's just this one time, not the next time."

After stuffing the cash, she walked out of the gymnasium and threw the LV wallet into the trash can.

Clap your hands and move on gracefully.

Just as she finished throwing away her LV purse and looked up, a handsome man suddenly fell from the sky.

His movements were free and easy, no more, no less, and he jumped in front of her arms, followed by a few green leaves.

Standing in front of her with bent legs, the corners of his mouth were raised, half a smile: "What a thief who can pick up both money and sex."

Lu Xiya was frightened by his sudden appearance, backed up again and again, and saw the person clearly after standing still, her face changed: "Why are you still here?"

After she finished speaking, she wanted to bite off the base of her tongue.

Sure enough, the other party smiled narrowly, and the smile was deeper and more wanton: "Also? I can understand that you are hiding here just to avoid me?"

"Cough..." A certain woman's face turned red strangely, but she refused to admit it: "I mean, do you have no class in the morning? Still—stay here and not go back."

When she spoke later, her voice was weak and she felt a little guilty, so her eyes drifted carelessly to the big tree behind him.

This guy shouldn't be squatting on a tree to catch her.

Then out of the corner of her eye she glanced in the direction of the gymnasium, where a window was half open.

Squatting on a tree and looking through the window, you shouldn't be able to see what's going on inside, right?

But he said that a thief who is rich and luscious..., thinking of this, Lu Xiya's scalp felt a little numb.

How strange it sounds.

Suddenly, she felt as if tens of thousands of needles were pricking her feet where she was standing, and she wished she could slip away immediately.

"Do you really want to know why you are here?" He smiled slyly.

Lu Xiya is not stupid, so naturally she will not jump into the pit foolishly.

If she asked what he wanted, he would definitely ask her back after the question was over. How could she explain why she, a college student, appeared in the high school?What is the intention?
She replied firmly, "I don't want to know."

After finishing speaking, she took a step forward, wanting to walk past him.

Unexpectedly, he moved and blocked her.

The man has a strong figure, when blocking her, an invisible pressure hit her, forcing her to take a step back, her brows furrowed.

She didn't jump into the pit, so he pushed her: "I really want to know, as a transfer student, why are you here?"

So she turned around ninety degrees and walked towards the path on the left, but soon his body intercepted her again.

After doing this several times, she had a kind expression on her face, folded her hands on her chest, shook her left leg, and the sole of her shoe slapped the ground, indicating that she was very impatient and unhappy at the moment.

Since she couldn't avoid it, she had no choice but to face the enemy head-on, glaring at him with her chin raised: "Can't transfer students be here?"

"Wrong, college students are not allowed here."

"Not here, where?" She pretended to be stupid.

"School rule 260, Melissa's students are not allowed to leave the headquarters without authorization." His eyes fell on her tiptoes, his eyebrows were raised, and the corners of his mouth seemed to smile: "That means you should be punished for entering the high school without authorization. And...what's the matter with your hair? Article 130 of the school rules, Melissa's students are strictly forbidden to perm and dye their hair, and they will also be punished."

"You memorize the school rules very well." She stopped shaking her feet and looked at his face with flaws.

Weiwei babbles: I want to collect new books and leave comments. A child who reads a book but does not bookmark and leave a message is not a good child.

(End of this chapter)

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