Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 30 Her Disaster [01]

Chapter 30 Her Disaster [01]

"You memorize the school rules very well." She stopped shaking her feet and looked at his face with flaws.

I saw the other party's gaze shifted back from her feet, heard her words, and smiled: "Of course."

Suddenly, she humbly asked for advice: "So what about the punishment for knowingly committing a crime?"

His smile froze on his face and his eyes narrowed dangerously, he was so displeased with her comeback.

She also looked at him, raised her fingers and said one by one: "Dyeing your hair, smoking, sneaking into the high school, it seems that you violated more rules than me, and besides, you read Melissa earlier than me, you, you are punished Yet?"

After finishing speaking, she glanced at the top of his head with ulterior motives. The short dark blue hair was full of arrogant rebellion.

That's right, the person in front of her was throwing her blue feather with a football.

She was equally curious about him.

What is the origin of the person who even the president of the student union should avoid giving up three points?
"I don't think it adds up to stealing | it's more serious," he said.

"..." After being stabbed to death, she quickly made it clear: "What steals? Who steals? Don't wrong good people."

"Good guy?" Lan Yu sneered, took out the phone from his trouser pocket, put it in his palm and pressed it, and then pointed the screen at her.

Lu Xiya suddenly had a bad feeling, and her face changed again and again.

While she was trying to stay calm, the video on her mobile phone showed her and that handsome woman in the gymnasium.

From the moment she reached into the opponent's trouser pocket, and then hit the opponent's chest, and finally she checked the LV wallet, it was clearly recorded.

Lucia's complexion can only be described as pale.

If this video is handed over to the school or the police, she will not be able to escape punishment and have a criminal record, but these are not important.

The important thing is that she promised Lan Xin that she would wash her hands and refrain from petty theft. If she knew that she committed the crime again, it would be difficult to face her.

After thinking for a while, she asked calmly, "What do you want?"

If it was said that Melissa was in opposition to her, then Lan Yu in front of her was her disaster.

She was thrown by him with a football yesterday, she didn't care but was scolded instead, today she just came to visit the high school, bumped into him, the plague god, and was photographed as evidence of the crime.

Lan Yu put the phone back into her trouser pocket, her eyes flickered, and there was an aura of conspiracy brewing.

Lu Xiya shuddered and had a bad feeling.

"I haven't thought about it yet, I'll tell you when I think about it." He smiled slyly and waved his hand like an amnesty: "Now you can go."

Lucia gritted her teeth and glared at him bitterly.

The depressed mood suddenly sank to the bottom: "You can't tell others about this."

"It's not easy to meet such an interesting person, how can I be willing to share it with others?" The smirk on the corner of his mouth became more obvious, making his handsome face look scary.

As if at this moment, she is a pawn in his palm, and the power of life and death rests with him.

Lu Xiya frowned and thought about it, and quickly made up a plan in her heart, then stopped talking nonsense, turned and left.

After walking a few steps, Lan Yu suddenly stopped her: "Hi, Lu Xiya."

Her steps froze, her face became more and more ugly, she didn't turn around, and asked, "How do you know my name?"

"How difficult it is." He sneered, and then his tone became serious and serious: "Hey, that... I kicked the ball crookedly yesterday and threw it at you. I'm sorry."

(End of this chapter)

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