Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 37 Making Trouble in the Hospital 【01】

Chapter 37 Making Trouble in the Hospital 【01】

He raised his foot, kicked him again, and kicked the opponent directly under the table.

The paper and pens on the chair and table were scattered all over the place, and finally even the computer rolled to the ground, and the display screen was broken.

At this moment, Xiao Zhao rushed in with two security guards, pointed at Lan Yu's back and shouted: "Quick, he is causing trouble."

Seeing the moaning doctor on the ground, the two security guards rushed forward to subdue Lan Yu after hearing what Xiao Zhao said.

But Lan Yu is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Hearing the nurse's call, he glanced out of the corner of his eyes and saw two security guards rushing up.

He quickly picked up Lu Xiya in his arms, stood up abruptly, but he didn't even need to turn his body, and kicked back with his right leg, fast and hard.

Just two quick kicks, kicking off their bodies almost at the same time.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhao screamed, "Ah..."

Other patients who were seeing the doctor also yelled and fled in all directions, creating a chaotic scene.

So more security guards rushed in.

Then more security guards fell.

Lu Xiya was hugged and turned around by him, her hands and feet ached, and finally her head ached.

She really wanted to stop him, but she didn't even have the strength to speak, so she could only hold his collar tightly.

Just in case, in the process of fighting, you will drop yourself to the ground and cause your waist to lose your life.

I thought, this blue feather doesn't know what kind of structure it is.

Should I bring her to see a doctor, or bring her to fight?
Just when she was about to be in pain, a familiar voice sounded like the sound of heaven: "Stop."

When all the security guards fell down, several doctors in white robes came outside the emergency room.

The two who walked in the front were particularly outstanding in appearance, and one of them was of mixed race.

It was him who spoke, with shining blond hair and beautiful blue eyes, he was tall and thin, and he was imposing.

His eyes fell on Lan Yu's embrace, that suit... so familiar.

His heroic eyebrows furrowed, and he stared intently.

Hearing this, Lu Xiya tried her best to poke her head out of Lan Yu's arms, and seeing that it was really him, the pain that she had been holding back hit her like an overwhelming mountain.

All her patience was burnt at this moment, her voice choked up: "Klaus..."

"Xiaoya!?" It was indeed her.

Nie Jiajun's face changed suddenly, and he rushed forward quickly, reaching out to take her from Lan Yu's arms.

Lan Yu took a step back and looked at him warily: "What do you want to do?"

Nie Jiajun raised his eyes and met Lan Yu's gaze. His tone was gentle and polite, but with a strong aura, there was no doubt about it: "She is my girlfriend, please give her to me."

The two were about the same age, but Nie Jiajun grew up in a foreign country. Although his physique was not as strong as Lan Yu's, his height took advantage.

It was a full head high, just like this condescending, like a noble and perfect prince staring at the other party.

He reached out his hand and put his arms around her body, trying to close his arms to receive her, but found that she was holding her tightly.

His brows were furrowed, and his elegant and gentle face looked at Lan Yu calmly.

The bright blue eyes flashed with undulating undercurrents, like the sea in the dark night, swallowing all the ships floating on the sea.

Huge waves were churning and undercurrents continued, and against the elegant and calm handsome face, it looked extraordinarily eerie and strange.

"Klaus, I'm in so much pain." Lu Xiya struggled, pushed Lan Yu away, curled up into Nie Jiajun's arms, and buried her face deeply in his chest.

Weeping sobbing, so weak and pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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