Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 38 Making Trouble in the Hospital 【02】

Chapter 38 Making Trouble in the Hospital 【02】

Sobbing, so weak and pitiful, like a child who has been wronged, he will look very coquettish when he sees his relatives.

When she yelled, the two men who were secretly fighting each other regained a little sobriety and restrained their minds.

The most important thing now is her!
Nie Jiajun hugged him even tighter, and coaxed softly: "Hey, it's okay, just let me take a look for you."

After all, he left the emergency room with her in his arms and walked straight towards the elevator.

Lan Yu followed naturally, but was stopped by the security guards who followed up.

He didn't pay attention to the few security guards in the district at all, and smiled coldly. He was not afraid of the wounded just now, why Fang is now unarmed.

His hands were fisted, and the violence on his face increased in vain, and he growled: "Go away."

Several security guards were on the spot in a daze, advancing and retreating Uyghurs.

This 20-year-old boy has a terrifying murderous aura that makes it impossible for people to cross the threshold.

Just like that, Lan Yu left the emergency room with his murderous aura.

Another handsome man who stayed there smiled and directed everyone: "It's all right, everyone go back to their jobs."

The doctor who rolled on the ground finally stood up with Xiao Zhao's support.

Trembling legs: "Zhong, Dean Zhong, he..."

The beautiful male dean smiled: "If I told you that he is the prince of the Flame Alliance, would you still want to ask him for medical expenses?"

The doctor was dumbfounded: "..."

As soon as the words "Flame Alliance" came out, everyone present turned pale with fright.

The city is divided into north and south wings. As far as colleges and universities are concerned, there is Xincheng No. [-] Middle School in the south, and Gangpei High School in the north.

If it is still divided by the underworld, the northern wing is the world of Baihutang, while the southern wing is the territory of the Flame Alliance. They always do not violate the well water.

For so many years, the underworld has grown powerfully in this city, occupying an extraordinary position.

A while ago, the succession of Zuo Zhe of Baihutang to the throne had caused a great commotion, with an unprecedented momentum.

At that time, everyone was guessing that the Baihutang and the Flame League were in the transition from the old to the new, and there was bound to be a fight between the two tigers, and it was only a matter of time.

Either Baihutang annexed the southern wing, or the Flame Alliance captured Beixiao's territory.

However, they later heard that the internal strife in the Flame Alliance had severely damaged their vitality, so they were forced to retreat to the south wing and switch from defense to offense.

And Zuo Zhe, the new head of Baihutang in Beixiao, seems to have the intention to wash away his underworld identity, frequently develops into the business world, opens up new business markets, and takes care of the forces in the south wing flawlessly.

Therefore, this undercurrent quietly retreated, and the rivers and lakes returned to peace and tranquility.

It's just that this peace refers only to the forces on the two wings of the north, not just to the wings, and it doesn't just refer to the Flame Alliance itself.

The new leader of the Flame Alliance has become the target of the younger generation.

The competition is fierce, the bloody, the killings in the streets and alleys are all frightening.

Of course, when talking about the Flame Alliance, the prince of the Lan family has to be mentioned.

blue feather.

He is the only one who is undefeated in this internal strife.

He is iron-blooded, mysterious, and has many subordinates. However, there are not many stories about him, but he has been rampant in the south wing for many years, and no one dares to provoke him.

Because of the fate of provoking him, he usually doesn't even know how he died.

In the South Wing, no matter the common people or the wealthy and high-ranking officials, they should not yield three points to him.

Try not to meet if you can't.

(End of this chapter)

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