Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 380 A Selfish and Inferior Woman [Ending Chapter 51]

Chapter 380 A Selfish and Inferior Woman 【End 51】

It turns out that she also has such a lively side.

This expression was ten times more lively and interesting than the expression she had gnashing her teeth at him when they first met.

Lan Yu thought to herself, An Yuqi knew Lu Xiya's character too well, and also knew the source of her happiness, such a rival in love was very strong.

Compared with Nie Jiajun's kindness and gentleness, he is more scheming and scheming.

Meeting today is not easy.

Lan Yu remained silent, watching them having a good chat, and sat beside them for a long time to chime in, before he suggested going back to elementary school with them.

Both Lu Xiya and An Yuqi seemed very happy, and both agreed that he should go and see that it was the best elementary school in the world.

Of course, this sentence is a bit exaggerated, but Lan Yu didn't object. He said: "The elementary school I attended has been demolished. I'm no luckier than you. You can go back and have a look when you grow up."

Lu Xiya sighed: "That's a pity, but it doesn't matter, you can treat our elementary school as your elementary school, Master Lan, and you can donate money to help the poor children in the school by the way."

"That's a good idea." Lan Yu nodded in agreement.

An Yuqi suggested: "How about we each sponsor two out-of-school children."

"It's not a good idea. You are all rich, but I'm poor." Lucia said with a bitter face.

"Then let me sponsor you. You are not a child anymore, how about treating it as a university scholarship? You will have to pay it back for social work in the future."

Lu Xiya looked at An Yuqi, her face became more bitter: "It's too stingy."

An Yuqi and Lan Yu both laughed.

Their elementary school was really good. At that time, Lu Wenbo was not yet married, and all the money she earned was given to her as a show.

The selected elementary school is well-known in the city, and the personnel and personnel have been updated several times in the past few years. Compared with before, the area is larger and the construction is more modern.

It just so happened that today was the weekend, and the students in the school were not there. When they walked in, the security guard asked a few words.

Knowing that they used to study here, they didn't have much difficulty, and they were released after registering.

In the school affairs announcement column, there are pictures and texts listing the excellent works of the school's top students.

There were compositions, paintings, singing, etc. The three of them stood there watching with gusto.

"Children's handwriting is very interesting. It's crooked." Lu Xiya laughed and said, "This person is even uglier than I was then."

"I heard that I did a lot of your homework for you." An Yuqi teased her.

"Is there?" Lucia walked away with her mouth flattened and a smile.

"Of course, do you remember the time when we were punished by the teacher?"

"do not remember."

"Slap the palm of your hand, you said you will remember her for the rest of your life."

"Hehe." Lu Xiya laughed again, but did not deny it.

Her grades have always been quite satisfactory, and her math is even worse. Thanks to An Yuqi's kindness to her, she borrowed all her homework from him.

Such a copy will cause big things. If you can't do it in the exam, you fail the result and you are punished by the teacher.

The teacher asked her why she failed?At that time, she was young and innocent, so she said she couldn't do it.

When the teacher asked again, she confessed to An Yuqi.

Now the teacher was furious, and all the homework was copied back, so he scolded both of them.

At that time, the education system was not like it is now, corporal punishment was common, and the items of corporal punishment were nothing more than standing and beating the palm of the hand.

For a child, these two things are very severe behaviors, and her little heart has hated that teacher ever since.

(End of this chapter)

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