Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 381 A Selfish and Inferior Woman [Ending Chapter 52]

Chapter 381 A Selfish and Inferior Woman 【End 52】

Fortunately, since then, she has taken math classes more seriously, and she has never failed in math again.

It's not that she's not smart, but that she doesn't like reading. As long as she works hard, she can still get good grades.

She was able to pass the college entrance examination and enter Zhanqia University, which is the best proof.

After strolling around carefully, just when they were about to escape, they ran into the principal of the school.

This principal was the math teacher who physically punished Lu Xiya. Lu Xiya came back to school every year, so the math teacher naturally recognized her.

He didn't know An Yuqi very well, so he stopped when he saw Lu Xiya and asked, "Are you back again?"

Lu Xiya giggled: "The teacher doesn't seem to welcome me very much."

"Where is it? I just don't understand. Why do you always come back to school?"

"Find a chance to rob." This is just a joke.

"To rob sex or to rob money?" Obviously the headmaster is more interesting than Lu Xiya, looking at Lan Yu and An Yuqi carefully: "He brought friends."

"Hi teacher, I'm An Yuqi, and I'm in the same class as Xi Ya. At that time..."

The principal interrupted her: "I know you, she copied that male classmate when you gave homework."

An Yuqi didn't expect her to have such a good memory, so she smiled awkwardly.

Then, the principal looked at Lan Yu: "What about you? You are also my teacher? Oh, you all like to toss, one dyed red hair, the other dyed blue hair."

He sighed and shook his head as he spoke, as if the world was going downhill and his morals had fallen.

Lan Yu smiled and neither denied nor admitted, and asked her instead: "I heard that the teacher has been promoted, why not invite us to dinner to celebrate."

Both Lu Xiya and An Yuqi were afraid of this math teacher, and they still remembered the thugs back then.

Have a meal?It's too scary.

Shuangshuang glared at Lan Yu, telling him not to drag them to death.

"That's a good idea, but I have a better idea." The headmaster became more interested when he heard this, "Since you are coming back to school to visit the teacher, why don't you invite the teacher to have a meal?"

Lan Yu's eyes widened, thinking that this teacher is an expert.

A tall man with a particularly thick skin.

Up to this point, Lan Yu had no choice but to smile wryly: "Okay, it's enough for the teacher to show you face."

"What's your name?" The principal looked at him, thinking that this kid has a lot of promise, he knows how to steer the wind, and he is a talent to be made: "He looks very talented, not bad."

Who was despising his blue hair just now?
"Blue Feather."

"Lan Yu?" The headmaster rolled his eyes and said, "You are not my student."

Others sweated: "...."

Sure enough, he is an expert, and he actually knows that he is not her student.

"How do you know?" Lan Yu didn't give up.

"I haven't heard the name."


"I'm not bragging to you guys, I still have things to do, remember to treat the teacher to dinner next time I come back." After saying that, he left.

When it comes, it is the wind, when it goes, it is even more gust of wind, and it disappears around the corner in an instant.

Both Lu Xiya and An Yuqi wiped off their sweat, thinking who should remember, the next time they see her, they must take a detour and run away.

No, not coming back next time.

Lan Yu said: "This school is really outstanding, and there are a lot of talents."

Lucia: "...."

An Yuqi: "...."


Before leaving the school, Lu Xiya went to the toilet, leaving An Yuqi and Lan Yu waiting for her at the school gate.

Without the heroine, the two of them talked less.

Next to it is the security room, and the sound of the TV can be heard from time to time.

Lan Yu took out a cigarette and handed one to An Yuqi.

(End of this chapter)

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