Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 382 Both Face and Riko Can't Get Over [Ending Chapter 53]

Chapter 382 Both Face and Riko Can't Get Over [Ending Chapter 53]

An Yuqi didn't answer: "Thank you, I don't smoke."

Lan Yu didn't say much, she bit her mouth, lit it with a lighter, and smoked leisurely.

There is a lot of traffic outside the campus, and there are people coming and going. These people are in a hurry, and who would stop for others?
An Yuqi looked at him, as if seeing a smoker for the first time, found it novel and interesting, and squinted his eyes to study it.

After half a cigarette passed by, Lan Yu took the end of the cigarette and turned to look at him: "Don't you have something to tell me? If you don't say it, you won't have a chance to say it."

An Yuqi smiled: "Since you know that I have something to tell you, then you should know what I want to say."

"Persuade me to leave her."

"Well, what's your answer?"

"Do you think I will give up for a stranger, a simple sentence?"

"For her sake, for the man she loves, you should leave her."

"The one surnamed Nie retreated. He is not worth waiting for Xi Ya for him at all. Besides, she told me personally that she wants to marry me. Don't you think that you and your words are superfluous?"

An Yuqi sighed: "I had a three-year contract with her, but unfortunately I missed the opportunity to come back, and she fell in love with someone else like this, I can see that she loves him very much, in fact, you can also see Lan Yu , she only has Nie Jiajun in her eyes, she chooses to break up to make him live better, and she doesn't want to drag him down, and you are just her shield, she doesn't love you."

Lan Yu said: "Feelings can be cultivated. Do you dare to say that you fell in love with each other from the very beginning? It's the same with Xi Ya and Nie Jiajun. They got together after a long time. Since you can impress her, there is no reason why I can't." , I love her more than any of you, at least I won't hurt her."

An Yuqi said: "Lan Ying's matter, do you dare to say that you have not implicated her? Lan Yu, I am standing here to talk to you. I have done a lot of work beforehand, because I know the matter between you too well. Only dare to say who she wants the most, she only feels guilty towards you, because you surrendered to Huoyanmeng for her back then, even if she wants to return to Nie Jiajun today, she dare not speak to you, because she Afraid of hurting you."

Lan Yu said: "You don't need to say more, this is a matter between us, you are not even a third party, why do you let me let go?"

An Yuqi said: "Just because we love her equally and hope she can be happy, I choose to let them go and I hope you can too."

"I can't, absolutely not."

"She blamed herself very much, do you know that? That day she was crying so loudly, did you know? She really wanted to go back to Nie Jiajun, but she felt sorry for you, she felt that she used you to hurt you, she Sad and sad, I think I am a selfish bad woman, you said you love her, have you noticed that her spirit is getting worse every day? Now she is just holding on, if you really love her, no Might not be able to see it."

Lan Yu's face gradually turned pale, because he found that he could not refute An Yuqi.

"Do you wait until she faints in front of you one day before you admit that she has another heart? Lan Yu, if you love her, let her go. If I can do it, you can too."

Lan Yu's lips clenched tightly, the cigarette butt in his finger burned out, burning his finger, his hand retracted, and the cigarette butt fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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