Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 383 Both Face and Riko Can't Get Over [Ending Chapter 54]

Chapter 383 Both Face and Riko Can't Get Over [Ending Chapter 54]

An Yuqi walked to his side and lowered his voice: "Think about it carefully."

At the same time, footsteps were heard, and Lu Xiya ran back: "The old toilet has been demolished, and the new one is a bit far away. I'm sorry to have you wait so long."

"It's okay, boys should wait for girls." An Yuqi smiled and said, "It's just that time flies, I have to go home to pack my luggage and catch the plane tomorrow morning."

"Scared? Are you leaving?" Lu Xiya was a little bit reluctant, which was due to her reluctance to her childhood friend.

"You can come to Vienna to find me when you have time, and I will give you a plane ticket."

"Is food included?"

"There is someone to accompany you to sleep."

"Hehe, that sounds pretty good."

"Then I won't send you off, let Lan Yu send it off."

"Oh, bye."

"Goodbye." Reluctantly sending An Yuqi away, Lu Xiya turned to look for Lan Yu.

Seeing him standing there blankly with a bad expression on his face, he couldn't help but ask, "Are you feeling unwell?"

"I'm a little tired, let's go, let's go back and talk about it."


The two people on the road were speechless, only the sound of melodious music in the carriage.

Lan Yu originally wanted to take her back to Lan's house, but remembering that Lan Ying lived there these days, she gave up and sent her back to the rental house.

Unexpectedly, he saw a familiar car downstairs in the rental house, he couldn't help being startled, his face remained calm.

He said, "Go up and call you later."

"Well, if you're not feeling well, go to bed earlier, and if it doesn't work, remember to see a doctor."

"Well, I see." He smiled at her.

Watching her go upstairs, Lan Yu drove the car away, turned the street and parked it, got out of the car and returned to Lu Xiya's downstairs, and went upstairs quickly.


Lucia climbed seven floors, panting slightly, and took out the port key from her satchel.

At this moment, footsteps were heard from upstairs.

The seventh floor is the last floor of housing, and the top floor is the top floor. Generally, houses rarely go to the top floor.

Lu Xiya stopped her movements and looked up, only to see two men in black walking down.

Behind them was a man in his early 40s, a little fat and a little strong, wearing sunglasses and a serious face.

The two men in black came down, sealed the stairs going down, and stood with their hands behind their backs.

And the middle-aged man stood on the last step, looking down at her from above.

Lucia felt a little pressure: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"Come up, I have a few words to tell you." The middle-aged man turned and walked up, leaving a very majestic sentence.

She frowned and stood there hesitating. She was just a small woman against the three big men.

Hit, definitely can't beat them.

If you run, you may not be successful.

Or try to call for help, if the neighbors are at home, maybe they will come out to see what happened.

Even if you don't come out, you may call the police, which is better than disappearing without knowing why.

The two men in black seemed to have anticipated her move, stepped forward, and attacked her from left to right.

One said: "Miss Lu, we are members of the Flame Alliance, and my master's surname is Lan."

Needless to say, she immediately understood.

It should be a big shot like Lan Yu's father or uncle.

She followed obediently, and the man in black followed behind her.

Although I lived here for a month, it was the first time I came up to the top floor. It was empty and eerie.

(End of this chapter)

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