Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 391 Both Face and Riko Can't Get Over [Ending Chapter 62]

Chapter 391 Both Face and Riko Can't Get Over [Ending Chapter 62]

Lucia answered him: "I ate in the hospital."

Lan Yu felt a little strange: "Hospital? Are you unwell?"

Lu Xiya said: "It's not me, Mu Lin is undergoing surgery today."

"Oh, I forgot." Lan Yu was a little embarrassed: "I should be with you."

Lu Xiya smiled, and didn't mean to blame: "It's okay, the operation was a success, and my parents are there."

After chatting for a few words, it seemed a little quiet, Lan Yu proposed to eat sweet syrup, Lu Xiya did not object, and the two walked to the dessert shop at the end of the street.

It was just after dinner time, and there were few customers in the store, including them, there were only four people.

Boys don't like sweet things, Lan Yu wants a cup of coffee, Lu Xiya is a little hungry because she didn't eat much for dinner, she wants taro sago dew and green milk tea.

Seeing that the fried chicken legs of the customers at the next table were good, I was a little greedy, so I added two more fried chicken legs.

Nie Jiajun used to buy her fried chicken and French fries every now and then, but now that he doesn't buy them for her, she eats less of these omnivores.

Thinking of it, Nie Jiajun pampered her very much, accommodating her in almost everything.

The small details in life, which she took for granted before, were not inevitable when they were no longer there.

Because he loves her and loves her, he will take care of these details of life for her.

He is the most careful and gentle boy she has ever met.

It's a pity that she hurt him again and again.


Seeing that she was eating seriously, Lan Yu gently stirred the coffee and said, "After a few days, when your brother is discharged from the hospital, I will go to your house to meet them, and then discuss our marriage, okay?"

The spoon in Lu Xiya's hand came out of her hand and fell into the bowl, causing the purple sweet sugar water to overflow, leaking all over herself.

"Why are you so careless?" Lan Yu hurriedly asked the shopkeeper to bring over tissues, took out a few, and leaned forward to test her.

It happened that there was a big puddle on his chest, and Lu Xiya snatched the tissue in his hand: "I'll just do it myself."

He tore off the clothes on his chest, lowered his head and wiped them carefully.

Her hands trembled a little, and she seemed bewildered.

In Lan Yu's eyes, she thought she was just nervous about her gaffe, and couldn't help laughing at her: "Such a big person can't even hold a spoon, how stupid."

Lucia smiled and did not respond to him.

There was a huge wave in my heart.


When things are not imminent, she feels that they are out of reach and irrelevant to her.

Yes, marriage was proposed by her, but she always felt that it would not be so soon.

When Lan Yu kept mentioning that the matter continued to develop further, she began to regret and became afraid.

God, how would she tell Lan Yu?
Lan Yu said something again, but she couldn't listen anymore.

After staying in the dessert shop for half an hour, Lan Yu saw her in a trance, thinking that she might be too tired after staying in the hospital all day.

"Have a good rest tonight, and we will talk about it in detail when I visit your house in a few days."

"Yeah." She just wanted to escape as soon as possible.

After Lan Yu paid the bill, the two left the dessert shop and turned back to the downstairs of the rental house.

Because there is no elevator, and she lives on the highest floor, most of the time, Lan Yu just sends her downstairs, watches her go in and then leaves.

Anyway, there are security guards downstairs, and there are cameras on each floor. The security here makes him feel at ease.

After the two said goodbye, she climbed up layer by layer.

Halfway through the climb, she was a little tired. She leaned against the wall and sat down, blankly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Just want to sit like this.

I don't know how long I sat there, but footsteps were heard downstairs, and a girl came up.

(End of this chapter)

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