Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 392 Lan Yu's Fiancee [Ending Chapter 63]

Chapter 392 Lan Yu's Fiancee [Ending Chapter 63]

The girl was obviously a little stunned, she didn't expect that there was one sitting in the stairwell.

Lu Xiya glanced at her, and shrank her body to the side. This gesture indicated that she didn't block the way. If you want to go, just go there, don't stand here and watch.

The girl paused, and the footsteps continued to sound, and then Lucia felt a black shadow coming.

She looked up, and the girl was already sitting beside her.

The girl raised her eyebrows provocatively, and the two looked at each other: "What's your name?"

Lucia glanced at her and replied coldly: "I don't like women."

"I'm not lesbian." The girl was very dissatisfied with Lu Xiya's non-cooperation, but soon seemed to be okay: "Hey, do you like Lan Yu's very much?"

Hearing Lan Yu's name, Lu Xiya was a little stunned, turned her face again, and looked at her seriously: "Do you know Lan Yu?"

"Of course." The girl raised her chin proudly: "He used to be my fiancé."

"Used to be your fiancé?" Lu Xiya's interest was aroused by her, and then she remembered what Father Lan said, and asked, "What's your name?"

I thought I would love to be targeted by Lan Yu's ex-fiancée, did I find fault?

"Bai Linglong."

"What a good name." Sure enough, the surname is Bai.

"Grandpa changed it for me. I don't like it either. You can call my English name Nicole. Hey, how about we make friends?"


"Because I want to know why Lan Yu likes you."

"and then?"

"Then? No."

"Are you simply wanting to know? Why don't you ask Lan Yu, why bother with me."

"Because they don't know that I'm going back to China, I can't let the Lan family know."


"Why do you have so many?" Bai Linglong was very impatient, she pursed her lips and looked at the stairs: "The landlord you live in is really terrible, there is no elevator, hey, which floor do you live on?"

"What do you want to do?" Lucia was equally impatient.

"Of course I will go home with you. I will observe you personally and find out why Lan Yu likes you."

"..." Could it be that she encountered a psychopath?

Lu Xiya was a little worried. Although the other party was beautiful and cute and harmless, in many cases, the more human-like a person was, the more abnormal his heart would be.

She felt the need to kick this little nuisance away, and said seriously, "I don't live here."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"Visiting a friend, I found that she was not at home, so I was a little discouraged and sat and waited."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this, then don't wait any longer, let's go home quickly." Bai Linglong pulled her up as she spoke, with an attitude as if we were old friends, don't be polite to me: "I just got off the plane. I rushed over, I was exhausted, and now I just want to find a place to sleep."

"Go downstairs and turn right and then turn left. There is a hotel. The accommodation fee is not 50 yuan. Go quickly." Lu Xiya pulled off her hands and waved her away: "No more."

"You chased me away?" Bai Linglong raised her face, displeased.

"You've finally figured it out." Lu Xiya also had a straight face, with an expression of what do you think.

Bai Linglong took out a dagger from her trouser pocket, and flashed a cold light at her.

Her expression was serious and fierce, and the expression on her face was clearly: If you don't take me home, I'll kill you.

Lu Xiya's body froze, she took two steps back instinctively, and surrendered unscrupulously: "White Lady, you have something to say."

(End of this chapter)

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