Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 398 Lan Yu's Fiancee [Ending Chapter 69]

Chapter 398 Lan Yu's Fiancee [Ending Chapter 69]

Lu Xiya loves money the most. She has loved money like her life since she was a child. She usually spends money with calculations.

Even with Nie Jiajun, his gold card has a limit of 3 yuan for her to withdraw, but she still spends every cent carefully.

Now I live alone, and I earn all my daily necessities. I only earn 3000 yuan a month by working two part-time jobs.

Lu Xiya was thinking in her heart, Bai Linglong would spend ten days in prison on the one hand, and 3000 yuan on the other.

She hooked her fingers towards Bai Linglong: "Come here."

"If you have something to say, I won't go there." Bai Linglong, who was caressing her waist, took precautions.

"I don't have enough money, use your dollars to make up the number."

When Bai Linglong heard this, she quickly threw the wallet to her, refusing to move even half a step.

Before Lu Xiya opened the wallet, the handsome guy in uniform said, "We don't accept US dollars."

"I only have US dollars, why don't you only charge one thousand and five yuan."

"How about your friend go in and squat for five days."

"It's intimidation."

"This is a warm reminder."


Suddenly Lu Xiya had an idea, and immediately felt happy.

This is a great opportunity, I can ask Lan Yu to send the money to pay the fine on the excuse that I have no money.

In this way, the bomb can be sent away, and a thousand and five yuan can be saved.


Before Lu Xiya finished laughing, she stretched out a big hand and placed 3000 yuan at the fine window.

The handsome guy in uniform laughed so prettily, he stood up and saluted with a thud: "Captain Gu."

Gu You waved his hand: "I'll help them pay the fine, let's get it over with quickly."

"Yes, Captain Gu." The handsome man in uniform immediately changed his appearance and moved at an astonishing speed.

In less than a minute, the receipt after paying the fine was stuffed out of the window: "Captain Gu, it's done."

Gu You nodded: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"No trouble, this is what the subordinates should do."

Gu You took Lu Xiya and the others away, and the voice of the handsome guy in uniform came from behind: "Captain Gu, go slowly, Captain Gu will see you tomorrow."

Lucia: "...."

Too good at flattering.

After the three of them walked out of the police station, Lu Xiya stuffed the fine into Bai Linglong's wallet, then took out 3000 dollars from it, and handed it to Gu You: "I'll pay it back to you without any delay or arrears."

"Siya, why do we have to calculate so clearly?"

"You're wrong, it's not my money, and it's not my fine."

So Gu You took it without saying a word, and stuffed it back into his wallet very coolly.

Lu Xiya returned the wallet to the dumbfounded Bai Linglong.

After Bai Linglong took it, she asked in a low voice, "He, who is he to you? Do you have any secrets?"

"I was born by him, what do you think is the relationship?" Lu Xiya turned her head and left.

When Gu You heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This is the first time she has acknowledged their father-daughter relationship.

Bai Linglong looked at Gu You, hurriedly chased after her, hooked her shoulder and asked, "No wonder you look so alike."

"Which eye do you think we look alike?"

"Both eyes feel it."

"That must be blind."

Gu You stepped forward with a friendly attitude: "Are you hungry? How about we go for supper."

Bai Linglong, the big eater, nodded salivatingly: "Okay, I want to eat hot pot."

"There is no such thing as hot pot in supper." Lu Xiya stared at Bai Linglong.

Ever since Bai Linglong was arrested at the police station, Lu Xiya grabbed her by the tail, turned defeat into victory, and bullied her back.

(End of this chapter)

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