Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 399 Lan Yu's Fiancee [Ending Chapter 70]

Chapter 399 Lan Yu's Fiancee [Ending Chapter 70]

Bai Linglong was a careless person in the first place. Back then, she threatened Lu Xiya with her sword, but now that she is attached to her, she naturally doesn't care about these details.

Anyway, from her point of view, no matter how fierce Lu Xiya was, she was only talking fiercely about her, and she was not willing to really bully her.

It can be seen from the fact that she was arrested and taken to the police station, but she did not wave her sleeves away, and helped her go through the procedures throughout the whole process, it can be seen that Lu Xiya has a very kind heart.

How to do it?She seems to like her more and more.

It's just that she robbed her fiancé, which made her a little embarrassed.

Mother said that Lan Yu was a good man, so she must never give it up to others.

"We can skip supper and eat hot pot instead, okay? I haven't eaten it, and I heard it's the best in winter."

"Are you annoying, don't cling to me, I don't mess with lesbians."

"I don't do it either, hehe."

The two pushed and pulled each other, Gu You followed behind them, his eyes fell on the red-haired girl, his eyes were loving.

In fact, she is a soft-spoken person.

They ate hot pot in the hot pot city near the police station. Bai Linglong was ruthless and ordered the most spicy soup base. The three of them cried while eating.

Because Bai Linglong was underage, Gu You ordered a Coke for her.

Gu You and Lu Xiya, the father and daughter, ordered half a dozen beers and drank them in cans.

The mouth is hot and cold, very happy.

Gu You is not a person who can speak well. Last time, he dragged her to explain what he had said, and he no longer had the energy to babble again.

The father's love that has been missing for 20 years cannot be made up in a few words.

Fortunately, they are still young and have a long time to come. As long as she doesn't rape herself, she can make up for it in the future.

Because they were not allowed to drive after drinking, Gu You called a taxi to take them back in person, and then went home on his own.

This night is off to a good start.

★★Ye Xiwei's original "Youth Dancing: A Bad Girl Who Loves You"★★.
Because of drinking, Lucia fell into a deep sleep until she was woken up by the doorbell at noon.

She walked out of the room stroking her head, only to see Bai Linglong running back on tiptoe, passing by her and whispering, "Don't say I'm here."

With a whoosh and a snap, he disappeared through the bedroom door.

"What the hell, you're so neurotic." Lu Xiya looked out from the door, her blue hair swaying, and she immediately understood.

It turned out to be Blue Feather!
Lucia locked the door and opened it: "It's so early."

"Yes, it's really early." The other party smiled and looked at the bird's nest above her head: "I seem to smell alcohol, who did you drink with last night?"

"My dad." After speaking, Lu Xiya's face changed, and she went back to the living room and sat down depressed.

Damn, she must be drunk and stupid to call Gu You her father.

Lan Yu sat down beside her: "I came to find you for dinner."

"You found that you often come to me for dinner."

"I can't find a better reason to see you other than eating." Lan Yu smiled awkwardly.

Lucia laughed too.

Indeed, compared to Nie Jiajun, Lan Yu seems clumsy when it comes to pursuing girls.

Anytime, anywhere, Nie Jiajun always has a way to think of a reason to see her.

And when they met, it was either flowers or chocolate offensives. Besides, if he was drunk, at this time, he would definitely serve him hangover tea.

Sometimes some fate is doomed. If you love that person, whatever that person does is good.

If you don't love that person, you will keep comparing and feel that this person is not good enough and that person is not good enough.

Lu Xiya thought to herself, Nie Jiajun spoiled all of these.

(End of this chapter)

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