Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 42 Making Trouble in the Hospital 【06】

Chapter 42 Making Trouble in the Hospital 【06】

He wasn't talking to her, he was laughing at her IQ, he couldn't even think of the cause and effect.

Lucia pursed her mouth and looked at him resentfully, unable to refute.

The man smiled: "how is it? Is there anything else to accuse me?"

She was kind and generous: "No."

"Very well, then let's go to Yemu."

"Did you hear that?"

"Guess." Soon he explained: "At this time, my sister-in-law called, just wanting to know whether you succeeded in climbing the wall, or to see if you have adapted to the new school."

Whether it is the former or the latter, on this silent night, there must be an appointment for a gathering of people.

Besides, he has entered a new residence, and everyone wants to have a drink to congratulate him.

All things put together, isn't it enough to meet?
After all, he knocked on her head: "Stupid."

"I'm stupid because you knocked me stupid." She muttered and got out of bed.

Jumping on one foot, after two steps, her body was lifted into the air, and he carried her into the bathroom: "Shower or go to the toilet?"

Under his piercing and fiery gaze, she covered her face and said, "Go to the bathroom."

She thought that if she asked to take a bath, he would undoubtedly be happy to do it for her.

However, he was not discouraged: "Help you take off your pants?"

She smiled: "I still have nine fingers to use."

"Alright then." He left angrily.

The bathroom door closed, and she let out a heavy breath, worrying about taking a shower tonight.

There is no problem with the upper body, the problem is the lower body, the feet in plaster are not easy to play with.

The door was suddenly pushed open.

She was startled, he was startled, a certain man seemed a little disappointed: "Why don't you go to the bathroom yet?"

She clenched her fist: "I'm waiting for you to come in."

"Need help?" The jackal's green light flashed again in his eyes.

"After you come in and go out, put the lock on the door." She declined.

Touching the handsome man with a gray face, he had no choice but to close the door again.

Of course, the door lock will not lock.

Lucia had to jump over to lock it.

This pervert.

★★Ye Xiwei's original "Youth Dancing: A Bad Girl Who Loves You"★★.
Yemu Bar is a joint venture between Nie Xichen and two college friends, and the business has been booming.

Before getting to know Lan Xin, Lu Xiya worked as a beer girl here, serving drinks to guests.

Because Yemu Bar is mainly for high-end people, pornography, gambling and drugs are strictly prohibited in the bar, so Lu Xiya is very happy here.

A group of people were still singing and drinking in the A6 wing.

The injury to his right foot is actually not serious, but for the sake of caution and to heal the bone socket as soon as possible, he must rely on a wheelchair to walk in the short term so as not to delay the progress of the wound recovery.

So Nie Jiajun bought her an automatic wheelchair and forced her to spend this week in the wheelchair.

From the garage to the bar box, they took the VIP lane all the way, unimpeded.

After entering the box, he hugged her and put her on the long sofa.

Looking around Nie Xichen, Lan Xin, Nie Hong and He Shufen, Lan Hao and Ji Yue are all here.

It was the first time we met Ji Yue, but Lu Xiya had already guessed that it was her, and Lan Hao had heard a lot about her before.

With a honey-colored complexion, she looks innocent and sexy. Such a special beauty is naturally unforgettable.

After they sat down, Lan Hao introduced Ji Yue. This was her first time attending a party in this circle, and it was also the first time she met everyone.

The Lan family siblings are the youngest here.

(End of this chapter)

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