Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 43 Laughing chapter, I like you? 【1】

Chapter 43 Joke, I like you? 【1】

They are twins with similar handsome looks and excellent academic performance.

And Lu Xiya has always envied them. There is a pair of parents who seem to be friends but not friends, and their parents love them very much.

Even as their good friend, she also received a lot of attention and love.

Lu Xiya, who was sitting leaning against Lan Xin, her right foot in a plaster cast and her thumb tied in a bandage, immediately became the focus of ridicule in the audience.

The dashing and sassy young master Nie put his arms around his beloved wife and said, "Third brother, are you being too rude?"

Hearing that Nie Hong was the first to burst out laughing, Nie Hong always liked to tease the third brother the most, and it was rare to see the eldest brother let go, so he quickly added: "The third brother has always been the best at pity, and it is impossible for him to be so rude that he broke Lucia's feet."

The originally ambiguous words were mixed with salt and vinegar by Nie Hong in such a way that the men present laughed and the women blushed and shy.

The images of various SMs are filled in everyone's minds.

As we all know, Nie Jiajun has a romantic nature and has countless girls. Among the three brothers, he counts the most girlfriends and the one who is the most promiscuous.

Undoubtedly, only he can do these rough and sadistic bed exercises.

Nie Jiajun didn't care. After listening, he hugged Lu Xiya in his arms even tighter, and replied provocatively: "Here, second brother, you have the least right to speak."

Nie Hong raised his eyebrows: "I have no right to speak? What do you mean by that?"

Nie Jiajun raised his head and smiled deeper: "It means a virgin."

Nie Hong was choked instantly: "...."

Nie Xichen and Lan Hao burst out laughing at the same time, falling backwards from laughter.

The atmosphere quickly merged amid the hilarious laughter, and then singing and singing, chatting and chatting, and drinking and drinking, it was a joy to play.

Lan Xin has always been the most quiet and well-behaved, nestling in Nie Xichen's arms, biting a Coke straw, and said: "Xichen talked to Principal Mei, there is no big problem with the accommodation, you are a freshman, people will not pay attention to whether you are staying or not. , but Mu Lin's side is a bit tricky, after all, he has already moved in, and if he cancels the accommodation, I'm afraid it will cause criticism, or it won't be counted until this semester."

"Well, that's fine." Thinking of Lu Mulin's reluctant hesitation, Lu Xiya didn't force anything.

It's just that, without Lu Mulin, she and a certain satyr became cohabiting best friends.

As she was seriously injured, it would be even more difficult for her to stop his beastly behavior in the future.


"Is Mulin okay?" Lan Xin asked tentatively.

"It's okay." She smiled: "I just think he is too hardworking and too obsessed with reading. I saw him lose weight again today."

"The high school courses are relatively heavy, so it is inevitable that he will lose weight. He will be better with you watching him in the future."

Thinking of the blocking wall, Lu Xiya sighed: "I wish so."

"Don't worry, he's already in high school, what are you still worrying about?" Lan Xin comforted her a few words, and seeing that she was still depressed, she suggested, "Hey, why don't we go to sea this weekend, Xichen just bought a It’s a beautiful cruise ship, and everyone is discussing going to sea for two days.”

Lu Xiya shook the injured foot and smiled wryly: "I won't go, I want to go home for dinner, next time."

Lan Xin turned to Nie Jiajun, "What about you?"

"I'm not going either, I'll go home with her for dinner." Nie Jiajun smiled softly, and casually took a plate of French fries and placed it in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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