Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 432 We Are Getting Married [Ending Chapter 108]

Chapter 432 We Are Getting Married [Ending Chapter 108]

At this time, no one came to take care of her, and the elders gathered together to discuss their marriage.

First of all, it is natural to choose an auspicious day, then there is the question of the amount of dowry, and then there is the wedding banquet.

Nie Jiajun was very happy, and listened to the discussion of the elders with great interest.

Gu Yayan walked over with French fries in her arms, and sat beside Lu Xiya, giggling cheerfully: "I never thought I would have such a big niece."

Lucia despises her and turns away.

Gu Ya said frightenedly: "Come on, call me sister-in-law to listen."

Lucia snorted coldly: "You are dreaming."

Gu Yayan swaggered: "I know Taekwondo and Muay Thai, what do you know?"

Lu Xiya raised her eyebrows: "I will hit | chest."

Gu Yayan: "...."

Unbearable memories!

Seeing Gu Yayan's pale face, Lu Xiya smiled happily, grabbed her French fries, and ate happily.

Suddenly I feel that getting married is not as depressed as I imagined.

Both Nie Fei and Lily have returned to China. They love their son very much. Now that Nie Jiajun is getting married, they are naturally happy.

Those all-inclusive wedding dresses are designed by well-known French wedding dress designers.

Banquets and betrothal gifts that spend a lot of money, try to be as luxurious as possible, and must not be inferior.

Nie Jiajun nodded again with a smile, more serious than the students in class.

Lu Xiya found that Lily's attitude towards her had changed a lot, which made her a little flattered, and kept thinking in her heart, what did she do?Impressive?

Until dinner time, she couldn't help but ask Nie Jiajun.

Nie Jiajun said: "Because you made her son an upstart."

Lucia: "...."

Hmph, vengeful fellow.

Later one day Lily said like this: "This kid doesn't listen to anyone but you. We don't ask him to return to Nie's, we just hope that he can continue his medical research, Xi Ya, you will work hard in the future to supervise and restrain him." he."

And Nie Fei said this: "Xia, you are a good boy, you have changed our Junjun, and we will continue to work hard in the future."

So Lucia was even more confused, did he listen to her very much?Has she changed him?

Except for some money, this guy is pretty much the same as when we first met.

Uh, yes, he is much more childish and arrogant than before.

At that time, Lucia found a reasonable stronghold.

Because she has the flesh and blood of the Nie family, her mother is more expensive than her son, and she gets "different eyes" from Lily.

Hmm, that must be the case.


The Gu family is very polite to Lu Xiya, and very hospitable to the super rich Nie family, saying that their Gu family has no requirements for marriage, as long as Lu Xiya is happy.

The top leader of the police station is very strong, with black hair, bright eyes, and majestic.

After Mrs. Gu was discharged from the hospital, she was in good spirits. She kept picking up vegetables for her and asking her questions to express her concern.

Gu Yayan was very childish, not timid, and would interject a few words from time to time to hurt her eldest niece, in order to show her sister-in-law's detached status.

For a dinner, whether it was from the Nie family or the Gu family, Lu Xiya felt that it couldn't be more perfect.

The affection she once desperately longed for is now pouring towards her, and they show her the most sincere smiles.

I have never felt it in the Lu family.

This is the family affection she has dreamed about countless times in the middle of the night, and she desperately longs for it.

After the meal, Mrs. Gu took her back to her room, and the two wives and grandchildren closed the door and whispered.

"Xiaoya, I have something for you." She took out a jewelry box from the safe, and there was a bracelet inside.

(End of this chapter)

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