Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 433 We Are Getting Married [Ending Chapter 109]

Chapter 433 We Are Getting Married [Ending Chapter 109]

Looking at it, she sighed a little: "This bracelet is an ancestral item. It was originally given to her at that time. We don't like her character very much. She is too delicate and willful and too selfish, but your father likes her very much. .”

After savoring it carefully, Lu Xiya realized that the "she" in the old lady's mouth originally referred to Melissa when she was young.

"I have nothing to do with your grandpa, so I had to come up with a way to test their feelings. If she is willing to wait for your dad for three years and wholeheartedly wait for him to retire from the army, if they don't change their minds after three years, then your grandpa and I will make a full commitment." They, it's a pity that she couldn't wait for a year, and got married in a flash after giving birth to you..."

Lu Xiya watched Mrs. Gu put the bracelet into her wrist, and the two grandchildren looked at it carefully. The bracelet shone brightly under the light.

Mrs. Gu sighed, she couldn't control it for a while, she burst into tears, and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with her fingertips.

He sighed heavily, before he recovered his breath: "Actually, I can't blame her entirely. At that time, your grandfather and I were also at fault."

This bracelet, which was almost put on Melissa's hand, but could never be put on her wrist again, foreshadowed the tragic and tragic love of his father when he was young, and it came to an end at this moment.

He is a tough man, he has solved countless cases and made countless achievements, but he does not have a perfect marriage.

Lucia sighed involuntarily.

Mrs. Gu caressed her red hair, and said: "Your grandfather and I have heard about the matter between you and Jiajun. It is not easy for you to be together. Remember to be more tolerant in the future."

"Yes." Lu Xiya nodded, feeling a lot.

"There are also those illegal things in the past, don't do them again in the future, your grandfather and your father are well-known people in the police circle, it will take a lot of effort for you to get rid of the previous criminal records, don't you Stupid and committing crimes again."

"Grandma, I understand." Lu Xiya nodded again, deeply moved: "I know you all love me, I understand..."

"Don't cry, child, if we had paid close attention back then, maybe she would have known of your existence when she gave birth to you, and you wouldn't have been wandering outside and suffered all these years."

Mrs. Gu hugged her and patted her on the back lightly. Because of this granddaughter, they re-examined what they did back then and had to admit that they made a mistake.

At the beginning, a stubborn decision killed his son's life and Lu Xiya for 20 years.

There is a lot to say, but there is more helplessness, or everything is silent, or they need time to digest.

"Don't forget that you are a member of the Gu family, come back more often in the future."


Lu Xiya is not in a hurry, after all, the future is long and the relationship can be cultivated slowly.

Compared with Melissa, the members of the Gu family are upright people. They say what they say, sincerely admit their identity, and correct her mistakes.

The two virtues of correcting mistakes and being tolerant and generous have been well passed down in the Gu family.

This was exactly the kind of home she needed.

When leaving, Gu You held her hand: "Your grandpa and grandma like you very much, you should come back more often, this is your real home."

Lu Xiya's eyes were red, and she nodded firmly: "Well, grandma told me that I will come back often to eat in the future."

Gu You laughed, and Lu Xiya also laughed.

The relationship between the father and daughter was restored and stabilized unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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