Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 434 We Are Getting Married [Ending Chapter 110]

Chapter 434 We Are Getting Married [Ending Chapter 110]

Blood relationship is so wonderful, thicker than water, inseparable and inseparable.

Afterwards, Gu You sighed softly: "Thank you for forgiving me."

"It's not your fault..."

"But I also have my responsibilities."

"Dad, don't think too much about the past, let's not mention it again, okay?"

"Okay." Gu You narrowed his eyes and smiled again, lightly touching her face with his fingers.

This is his daughter, how amazing!

Gu You actually has a daughter.

"Dad, thank you for what you did for me."

For him as a policeman, it is such a difficult decision to clear his criminal record.

As the captain of the anti-pickpocket team, how much courage is needed to accept a pickpocket's daughter.

He accepted her under great pressure and admitted her identity to the world, a daughter born out of wedlock, a daughter who made a living by stealing.

In his eyes, she couldn't see dislike or abandonment. He opened his arms to her so frankly and welcomed her back to Gu's house and to him.

He is a good father, a good cop|cop.

Gu You smiled shyly: "Fool, you deserve it. Don't forget that you helped the police solve the drug trafficking case."

The two laughed tacitly.


On the way back, Lu Xiya shared a car with the Nie family.

This is Grandpa's extended Lincoln, and five people can sit comfortably in it.

Grandpa suddenly asked Lily: "I heard that Joanna (Joanna) is getting married."

Lily answered him on the way: "Well, yes, they decided not to hold the wedding this summer, I think Joanna's belly will show up at that time."

Nie Jiajun was a little bit gleeful: "Whoever tells her to act willfully, she refuses to get married in spring."

Nie Fei said: "It also depends on the groom's intentions. There was a lot of quarrel back then, didn't they say that the wedding will not be held?"

Lucia was confused. When did Joanna get pregnant?

Then she thought of another thing. Speaking of which, she was also a pregnant woman. If they got married in early summer, her stomach would be four months old at that time.

Uh, isn't the belly protruding as well?

God, she completely forgot that she was pregnant when the wedding date was set.

At this time, I couldn't help but feel a little at a loss.

Nie Jiajun kept holding her hand, and naturally felt her uneasiness.

He turned his face to the side and asked with concern: "What's the matter? With such a bad face, did you eat your stomach?"

"No." She shook her head and asked him back: "Who is Joanna dating? Why didn't I hear her mention it before?"

She always thought that Joanna liked Nie Jiajun, and later she made a divorce plan to destroy their relationship. Although she knew it well at the time, in order to inherit Nie Jiajun and her, she made a mistake and quarreled with Nie Jiajun. Explained Joanna's intentions.

At this time Nie Fei said: "Her boyfriend Edward (Edward) and Klaus are high school classmates. They have known each other a few years ago. In order to be with Edward (Edward), she often sneaks from Russia to the United States. Don't look at her. She is cute and beautiful, this girl doesn't blush or breathe when she tells a lie, you can't believe her words."

Lu Xiya recalled what Joanna had said to her at home in the community before, and what Nie Jiajun clarified later, and now Nie Fei’s comments. I think this little girl Joanna is indeed a very headache. characters.

(End of this chapter)

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