Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 438 We Are Getting Married [Ending Chapter 114]

Chapter 438 We Are Getting Married [Ending Chapter 114]

After several rounds of meetings, conversations and comparisons, the target was finally located on a policewoman from the drug trafficking team.

This person has just turned 30 years old, has a serious career, and is still unmarried. The most important thing is that her parents have contacts with the Gu family, and the policewoman has admired Dui Gu for many years.

So we met frequently, and made appointments to eat and watch movies.

In order to deceive others, in fact, to deceive Gu You, every time Lu Xiya and Gu Yayan acted as light bulbs without hesitation.

In name, it is to cultivate a father-daughter relationship with his daughter, but in essence..., hehe, it creates opportunities for him to date with the policewoman.

After eating and drinking for about half a month, Gu You finally understood what was going on.

At the beginning, he was very angry and blamed Lu Xiya and Gu Yayan for being meddlesome, and told them not to get involved in these matters.

Later, when the policewoman asked her to have dinner again, he flatly refused.

So Lu Xiya and Gu Yayan kept buzzing all the good things in his ears.

Later, the policewoman asked him out again, but he didn't refuse, nor did he agree.

Probably Lu Xiya's words of "I hope to have a mother to love her" successfully touched his heart.

I also understand that since my daughter is so old, I really should let go of my attachments.

He tried to start a new relationship and live a new life.

Regardless, it's a good start.


On this day, Lu Xiya went to play tennis with Nie Jiajun, Nie Xichen and Lan Xin, Nie Hong and He Shufen, Lan Hao and Ji Yue, Zuo Zhe and Ye Ziye all came.

They haven't been so well together in a long time, and they play like crazy, playing singles, doubles, triples and foursomes all round.

Because Lan Xin is about to give birth, her belly is very big. The doctor advised her to move around more, otherwise the delivery will be very painful.

But this kind of luck is only limited to just walking around, Lu Xiya accompanied her to walk around outside the arena, and other people killed again and again inside the arena.

Across the high iron wire network, Lu Xiya saw Melissa's family of four in another VIP private room.

Then, they also saw them, so Melissa and Fu Mingxuan came over.

Seeing that Lu Xiya didn't turn around, Melissa couldn't help beaming with joy: "I heard that you are getting married, congratulations."

"Thank you." Lucia said flatly.

The smile on Melissa's face froze, a little embarrassed.

Fu Mingxuan looked at the Nie brothers in the distance, and thought of a way to smooth things over: "We haven't seen Xichen for a long time, why don't we have dinner and get together soon."

Lu Xiya turned her face sideways, Lan Xin saw this, and smiled: "I'm so sorry, Xichen has been very busy recently, and I'm going to attend a business dinner later, I'm afraid I can't promise you."

Everyone is a smart person, based on the relationship between Lan Xin and Lu Xiya, and because Lu Xiya doesn't want to see Melissa.

The degree of truth and falsehood of this statement can be imagined.

Melissa couldn't hide her disappointment, but she seemed to be fine soon: "You are getting married, and I am very happy for you. I have a gift for you. I wonder if you are free to meet tomorrow?"

Lu Xiya turned her head, looked at her very seriously, and clearly rejected her: "Principal Mei, I accept your wishes. I can't bear your big gift, and I don't want it."

Fu Mingxuan frowned: "Why are you doing this? Mummy's kindness..."

"President Fu, she is a good mother to you, but to me, she is an unforgivable person."

"You not only hurt my dad, but also me. Grandma told me that she just wanted to test you back then. It was only for three years. Why didn't you insist on it? It's not too late to decide to remarry after Dad retires from the army. ?It's a pity that you don't even have this little persistence. One of your decisions changed the fate of the three of us."

(End of this chapter)

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