Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 439 We Are Getting Married [Ending Chapter 115]

Chapter 439 We Are Getting Married [Ending Chapter 115]

Lucia interrupted him, clenched her fingers and looked at Melissa.

Melissa's face was ugly, and she was shocked by the truth of the year: "Siya, it's impossible, they can't just test me, I know how much they hate me..."

"Believe it or not, we could be together, a family of three, but you are too cruel." Lu Xiya took a deep breath, trying to calm down her emotions: "Now you have sons and daughters, enjoying the glory and wealth, but you Have you ever thought that my dad has never married because of you? Have you ever thought that I am not the only one who is sorry for you. "

Faced with Lucia's questioning, Melissa shook her head, refusing to believe the truth.

Over the years, she has had Gu You in her heart, thinking about their youth all the time.

She told herself countless times that it was right for Gu You to abandon herself and not marry someone else.

Even though she still loves him deeply, everything can't be turned back, so she never goes to the bottom of why Gu You has never been married, why her heart is always missing a piece.

Because she didn't want to regret what she did wrong back then, her selfishness and willfulness caused the family of three to part ways.

All of this was her own fault.

So she hated the two elders of the Gu family, and also hated Gu You's determination. If he didn't join the army, nothing would happen.

If he was willing to stand up and fight against her parents back then, she would never have married a man she didn't love.

Only by resenting them can she have the strength to survive.

However, when Lu Xiya told her that the person who chose to let go was not him, but herself, her scarred heart was completely broken.

Melissa insisted on her opinion: "Siya, listen to me, he went to join the army without saying a word, and he left me to face everything alone. He didn't want us back then, he was wrong..."

"Everyone had their own reasons for what happened back then, but I always have the right to speak about what happened today. You tried to rape me without my consent. I think this crime can be big or small." Lu Xiya looked away. She didn't look at her, but still couldn't hide the pain in her heart: "You know what you've done, you can't recognize me openly, and I don't bother to recognize you as your mother in secret, we...we will be less in the future." Meeting each other within seconds saves each other from feeling uncomfortable."

Maybe she will forgive her in the future, but at this moment, she can't.

She really couldn't forgive that her biological mother used such inferior methods to frame her children.

Even for the reunion of mother and daughter, even her essence is to love her.

Perhaps she is not as magnanimous as Fu Mingxuan, because she has too high expectations for maternal love.

Because she had expected too much, she was also disappointed.

After finishing speaking, he no longer looked at how ugly her face was, and stretched out his arms to support Lan Xin as she walked back.

Some relatives are destined to be missing in life, but we don't regret it, because we disdain to have distorted love.

Lu Xiya thought that the only way for her not to hate her was to let everyone return to their own lives and become strangers from now on.

Lan Xin patted the back of her hand, smiled and said nothing.

She looked back at her, depressed with loss and heartache, and put on the same smile as before.

She also has the Nie family, the Gu family and the Lu family, as well as many relatives and friends.

They loved her, loved her with all their hearts.

And she loves them equally. Along the way, she stumbled and was more sad than happy, but fortunately everyone cared and helped her.

(End of this chapter)

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