Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 80 Don't Regret [01]

Chapter 80 Don't Regret [01]

Lu Xiya blinked her eyes and thought: Why do I think you are wishful thinking?
"I have class tomorrow afternoon." She declined.

"Let me ask for leave for you, and I will personally make up lessons for you in the evening."

"Can you object?" She looked at him resentfully.

"Why object?" The man was stunned.

She doesn't speak.

Only then did Nie Jiajun come to his senses, looked at her, then turned to look at the road ahead: "Don't you like my parents?"

"No." Her voice was light and ethereal.

The man's eyes dimmed, the joy just faded away, and he fell silent.

He thought she was well-behaved and docile, deliberately dressed up for himself, in order to make a good impression in front of his parents.

Thinking about it now, it might be her helplessness and forbearance.

The dark yellow car drove forward in the dark, and soon entered the gate of the community.

There was no communication between the two until the car stopped.

When she got off the car, she walked in front, and he followed her, stepping forward and backward into the elevator.

He pressed the number on the top floor, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and stood up straight.

The air is suffocating and oppressive.

Halfway up the elevator, he said, "Why?"

"Why?" She lowered her eyes and asked knowingly.

"Why won't you open your heart to me?"

"……you think too much."

The man looked down at the top of her hair from a height, and the hair he tied up for her was as good as before, and after a while, he said bluntly, "We've been dating for almost a year, why don't you let me touch you?"

She raised her eyes and met his gaze, with a provocative taste: "Are you so superficial, do you measure love by sex?"

"If I were, you wouldn't still be completely invincible." His tone also came up.

After finishing speaking, she noticed that the girl's face was flushed, and she looked away angrily.

It was only then that he realized what he had said.

Thinking of when he came home in the afternoon, he teased her in every possible way, but she was indifferent to him, why she didn't wash her hands, and why she poured tea for him.

They were all excuses to avoid him. In her eyes, he was a scourge, and she wished she could avoid him.

She is such a person who knows how to pretend, hide her true thoughts, and cater to others.

When someone's request touches her bottom line, she will refuse without hesitation.

It's been a year, and it's not that she doesn't understand, but she refuses to accept him.


Lu Xiya looked at him, with an unknown fire burning in her brown eyes, which were stubborn and rebellious.

While gnashing his teeth, he tried his best to suppress his emotions: "Since you want it so much, well, I'll give it to you, Nie Jiajun, don't regret it, I'll give it to you."

She said so resolutely, like a little wild cat with fried hair, rushing towards the other party with the urge to turn back.

She stretched out her hand and pulled the dark blue shirt on his body, as if venting her anger, with infinite force, she grabbed his coat and pulled the hem of his shirt out of his trousers.

No technique, just pulling and pulling his clothes buttons.

Two clothes button bombs landed on the ground, bounced a few times, and landed in a cold corner of the elevator.

Before she could pull the third one, his hand quickly grabbed her wrist.

She struggled, her fingertips reaching for his waist.

The more she struggled, the tighter he held on.

"Enough." He shouted angrily.

"I often think, I owe you so much, how can I pay you back? Pay it back with my body, I always tell myself that."

Her head rested on his chest, and the tears slid down her cheeks drop by drop, dripping onto the steel floor, making a crisp sound.

(End of this chapter)

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