Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 81 Don't Regret [02]

Chapter 81 Don't Regret [02]

"Since you want it, I'll use my body to return it to you. Anyway, you rich kids, don't you just like to use money to keep women?"

Nie Jiajun's body was shaking, and the fingers holding her wrist were turning white.

That elegant and indifferent handsome face was full of the haze and ferocity before the mountain rain was about to come, and there were huge waves surging under the blue eyes.

It turned out that she missed him so much in her mind, and so determined the relationship between them.

Is he too failed, or is she too heartless?

"Nie Jiajun, you are such an excellent person, I, I am not worthy of you at all." Her voice was on the verge of collapse: "I am not worthy, do you understand? Being with you is like blaspheming you, I... won't understand how I feel, how terrible that unattainable feeling is..."

"You are an unattainable prince, and I am not even Cinderella. I am just an ordinary and ordinary ant people, arrogant and self-willed while holding on to your favor."

With a ding, the elevator opened on the top floor.

She is like a rag doll that has been suppressed for a long time, broken into pieces: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid that one day you get me, you will no longer love me, and you will no longer give me the capital to be willful."

"But since you want it so much, I'll give it to you..."

"You're lying." He cut off her words: "Lu Xiya, why are you saying this? Why are you telling me this now? You're making excuses for yourself."

The elevator door closed slowly, and at the moment when it was about to close, the man grabbed the elevator door with one hand.

The door slowly opened again.

He pursed his lips, dragged her out of the elevator with one hand, held his head up, and walked towards their house.

The door of the house uses a combination lock and fingerprints instead of keys. The slender and beautiful index finger is as elegant as playing a piano, and quickly presses the six-digit number, and the thumb presses on the fingerprint area.

The door opened and he pulled her into the house.

After closing the door with a bang, the man's strong and powerful arm slammed her down on the sofa.

"Do you think I don't know? There is someone in your heart." Standing in front of her, the man's tall and strong body immediately made her retreat coldly.

However, there was no escape route, she was locked in the sofa by him.

He leaned down and supported her sides, dangerous and menacing: "You say all this to cover up the truth. Your heart is reserved for someone else, and this person is not me, Nie Jiajun."

He pinched her chin and stared at her closely: "The one you keep saying is unworthy, the one you keep out of the door is me."

What a high-sounding excuse.

I can't afford it, haha.

The room was pitch black, only the moonlight from the floor-to-ceiling glass windows seeped in, and the faint light hit her pale face.

The face is blue and the lips are white, it's like meeting a ghost while shopping in the middle of the night, or like standing naked on the street in cold weather, so horrifying and fearful and invisible.

She looked at him, and she had never seen him get angry in almost a year of acquaintance.

Occasionally she irritated him, he would just ignore her with a straight face, and after a while he became angry, and he was that handsome British gentleman again.

Tonight was different from every time in the past, he was really angry, so angry that he wanted to tear her apart.

Not only was she aware of his fury, but she was also choked by his words.

My heart is cold.

She thought she had a good collection, and she thought she was deceiving everyone, including herself.

It wasn't.

It's just that she's deluding herself.

(End of this chapter)

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