Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 97 Who Lets Who Go, It's Not Up To You 【01】

Chapter 97 Who Lets Who Go, It's Not Up To You 【01】

Melissa was stunned: "Do you dislike Xi Ya?"

Fu Mingzhu looked disgusted: "Poor girl, who wants to like her."

Melissa frowned and thought for a while: "I have no objection to your liking Jiajun, that kid is indeed excellent, I can help you find out what the Nie family thinks and see what they mean, but you have to promise me one thing .”

Hearing her mother's approval, Fu Mingzhu was overjoyed, and responded readily: "Okay, as long as you can be with him, let alone one thing, a hundred things will be fine."

"You can't make things difficult for Xi Ya, and treat her well."

Fu Mingzhu's enthusiasm suddenly cooled down: "Why? I don't like her."

"Are you obedient? If you are obedient, I will help you."

"Mummy, why do you help her? I don't like eating with her. She can't even cut a steak. I hate it."

"That's all I ask, think about it." Melissa was not in a hurry, and continued to go to the location of the car.

"Mommy..." The speed caught up.


Lu Xiya, who was standing at the gate, turned around anxiously. At this moment, she hated herself for not having Lan Xin's skills.

When she asked herself to learn taekwondo, she should have learned a few tricks honestly, at least now she can kick someone away with one kick.

"Stop, you're crazy, what are you doing..." She was forcibly dragged away.

"Let go of her, let go of her." Fu Mingxuan grabbed her from the other side and shouted angrily.

"Lu Xiya, I'll give you time to choose. You are ignorant of current affairs. Don't blame me." With a straight face, Lan Yu clasped Lu Xiya with one hand, and suddenly kicked Fu Mingxuan.

Fu Mingxuan's abdomen was in pain, and he let go of his abdomen in pain, sweating profusely.

A piercing pain swept through his body.

"President Fu...!" Seeing this, Lu Xiya threw her arms and legs, punched and kicked all of Lan Yu's body.

It's a pity that her kung fu is no different from scratching an itch.

She yelled: "What the hell are you trying to do? Let go, I don't want to go with you, do you hear me? Madman, madman...."

Lan Yu's face changed again and again, and he growled: "I don't allow you to be with him."

When he yelled, Lu Xiya was stunned like a thunderbolt, thinking of the garage of Yemu Bar again in her mind, the conversation that seemed true and false, and her heart broke out in sweat: "You won't like me, will you?"

Lan Yu stared at her, furious, but did not deny it.

Now, Lu Xiya stroked her forehead with a headache and asked, "What do you like about me?"

Girls like her are all over the street, what kind of shit luck is she having, one Nie Jiajun is not enough, and a Lan Yu is here.

It is said that Lan Yu's background is not small, it is not fun to mess with him.

Lan Yu didn't speak, but focused on Fu Mingxuan who was on the ground: "If you don't want him to die, just follow me obediently."

While speaking, two big men from Kuiwu came from behind him.

Lu Xiya's face changed, and the wrist he was holding was so painful that she wanted to die.

Damn, she doesn't like the scene of robbing women at all, especially when she plays the role of a bitter woman.

Lu Xiya stared at him and gritted her teeth: "I hate it when others want to help me."

"The woman I like, Lan Yu, can't tolerate her saying no." The man glared at her with the same tough aura.

"Society ruled by law, why do you have it?" Others follow her, and she will follow others, and if others forcibly toss her, she will definitely rebound.

Than hard, her temper is hard and smelly.

(End of this chapter)

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