Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 98 Who Lets Who Go, It's Not Up To You 【02】

Chapter 98 Who Lets Who Go, It's Not Up To You 【02】

More ruthless, she can also be ruthless.

Her hands were red and swollen from his grip, and the pain surged like heartbreaking pain, and her two willow eyebrows were twisted into a line.

But she just refused to give in, and competed with the opponent, even if her arm was broken, she would not give in.

Lan Yu was born in Lian's family, and it would be easy to forcibly drag her away, but he was afraid of hurting her in his heart, so he held back his strength somewhat.

With some strength reserved, trying to get her away immediately turned the two of them into a tug of war.

While tugging, Lan Yu suddenly heard a strong breaking wind, and rushed towards him head-on.

He was stunned, instinctively wanted to protect Lu Xiya, but had no time to rush to meet her.

However, he was fast, and the opponent's movements were even faster, he only had time to raise his leg, before he could see what the move was, a slender leg slashed across.

Legs collided with each other, and suddenly felt numbness and pain.

Lan Yu was secretly surprised, what a powerful leg skill.

The opponent was full of strength, fierce and terrifying, with just one kick, he had already kicked him back two steps.

At the same time that his body lost his balance, he forced his legs to support the ground, but just at this moment, the opponent's long legs, which were lying in midair, made an arc and swept towards his wrist again.

The Whirlwind Kick changed so quickly that it was impossible to catch up with it. Forced by helplessness, he quickly let go of Lu Xiya's hand.

During the instant kill, the opponent's leg brushed past his fingertips, and there was a whistling sound.

His fingertips were trembling, but the wind of his legs that brushed past his fingers already made him break out in cold sweat.

If he didn't let go in time, I'm afraid his wrist would be kicked and broken.

But it's not over yet, a figure flashed in front of him, the opponent's right leg fell, and he kicked with his left leg instead.

This is a rare chain-flying kick sweeping move, without certain kung fu strength, few people can use it quickly and accurately.

Lan Yu backed back again and again, and after ten moves, he didn't even know what the opponent looked like.

And these ten or so moves are all the opponent's moves, but I only have one move, which is to retreat backwards desperately.

All this happened only in the blink of an eye.

Having been in the underworld for many years, there are not many people who dare to yell at him, and there are even fewer people who are so good at legs.

When the subordinates he carried with him rushed to rescue people, cold sweat was dripping down his face and back.

The two men attacked each other from left to right, protecting Lan Yu behind him.

After a little relief, he took a closer look and was extremely astonished.

It's him! ?
That male doctor who is as beautiful as a vase.

The last time I saw him in the hospital, he held Lu Xiya in his arms, and he was also the boyfriend she said.

When I saw her in a hurry that day, all he left for him was stunning beauty.

Seeing him again brought him a different shock than before.

If it was said that he was shocked by his enchanting posture before, then now he is shocked by his fierce skill.

Just for a moment, he suddenly had the urge to compete.

Pressing his black eyes, he rushed forward to join the battle circle.

Seeing this, Lu Xiya's eyebrows were furrowed deeply. She knew that Nie Jiajun's skills were extraordinary, but she didn't know what Lan Yu's background was.

Remembering that before he carried himself into the hospital, he was a security guard in the emergency room, and in a daze, he felt that this person should be good.

Originally, seeing two big men besieging him, his heart was already in turmoil, but now there is another blue feather.

Her heart was beating fast, and she rushed forward and shouted: "Stop, don't fight, talk if you have something to say..."

At this time, Fu Mingxuan relieved the pain.

(End of this chapter)

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